Chapter 5

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For hours, Leo remained by his mate's bedside, not wanting to leave.

His brother had come in to inform him, that Ryker and a few of his buddies had been taken down to the prison, he had informed Eli and the werewolf council of the progress, as well as their parents.

The doctor had come in, also to inform Leo that the drugs should be out of his mate's system in a day or two, much to Leo's relief.

Selina had come in to keep him company for a bit and to make sure that he ate, being a pregnant shewolf, she was one stubborn woman, making sure that he ate every morsel presented to him, much to Austin's amusement, watching his brother grudgingly bow down to Selina.

As the hours passed and everyone retired for the night, Leo decided to lie down beside his mate.

He needed as much rest as possible and what better way than to lay beside his mate. Having her in his arms, her scent surrounding him and feeling the steady heartbeat of her heart against his body.

Leo sighed in contentment, he maneuvered his mate to lay across his body, his arms keeping her safe in his embrace, closing his eyes to rest for a bit.

For Grace, she felt like she was nestled in a warm cocoon, safe from all harm that the world was capable of, snuggling further into the warm embrace, sighing contently, a smile gracing her lips, as she continued to dream of her mate.

Leo stirred the moment he felt his mate move, instantly alert, opening his eyes he gazed down at his mate, lightly with his finger he brushed aside the stray hair on her face, stilling when he saw the beautiful smile on his mate's face, stunned beyond comprehension, by her ethereal beauty.

He held his breath for a few seconds, not wanting to break the vision before him, gazing and wishing that she would open her eyes, so that he could see his love reflected and shining back at him.

But as the seconds passed, his mate remained sleeping, still with a smile gracing her lips, slightly disappointed he placed a gentle kiss on her temple, his focus on her face, watching intently for any further signs, while his hand lightly stroked her long wavy black hair.

Moments passed and his eyes began to droop, trying hard to stay awake, finally losing the battle and falling back to sleep.

And as the dawn of light filtered into the room, Leo slowly awakened, instantly alert and remembering his main focus, lifting his head, he looked down at his mate, only to freeze in surprise...

"Are you a dream?" She huskily asked, gazing with wide eyes at him.

Leo gulped, having lost his train of thought, "No...!" He finally exclaimed.

She frowned in confusion, moving her hand slowly towards his face, gasping as her hand made contact with his skin, tingles coursing through her hand at that small touch.

For Leo, it was pure torture, the moment her hand touched him, the feeling of euphoria coursed through his body, closing his eyes for a moment, savoring the moment.

"You are really here then?" She whispered out, still uncertain.

Opening his eyes, gazing at her emerald colored eyes, covering her hand with his, "Yes, we are really here." He finally confirmed.

She smiled, "So this is really not a dream?" She asked, her mind unable to process the reality of the situation.

Lifting her hand, placing a kiss in the palm of her hand, "Does this feel like a dream...?" He asked as he gazed down at her.

"Well if it is, it is one of the best ones I have ever had so far." She replied, still smiling and gazing back at him with love shining in her eyes.

Needing to prove that this was definitely real, Leo cupped her face and brought his head down to place his lips against hers, brushing lightly against her parted lips, his tongue spearing between and tangling with her own, giving her a long passionate kiss.

Pulling back, his eyes skimmed her flushed face, "Does this feel real enough?" He asked huskily.

"Hmmm..." She responded, licking her lips, savoring the intoxicating taste of her mate on her lips, "It definitely does and I wouldn't mind some more." She cheekily teased.

Leo growled in approval, slamming his lips against hers, crushing her lush mouth with hungry urgency beneath his, letting his tongue delve between her lips in an urgent rhythm, moaning in pleasure as she gave as good as she got.

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now