Chapter 1 - Ninja in the New World

Start from the beginning

One was a young boy, probably sixteen like he was when Itachi... it didn't matter. He had Uchiha black hair with blue eyes. He wore a black shirt and black pants, with a bright blue jacket, whilst holding a strange sword.

Another had light brown hair and golden eyes. He was in some strange clothes, probably from an academy outside the hidden villages. It was a white button up shirt with a green blazer and red tie, with grey trousers. He also held a strange bow.

The final one was a blonde. Naofumi hated most blondes, Naruto and Inoichi were the acceptations. He had his hair in a ponytail with orange eyes. He had brown pants, with a white shirt and red jacket over the top of it. He was also holding a strange weapon. It was a spear.

'Just like from the book I was reading.'

"What's going on here?" demanded Naofumi. "Why are we here?"
"Please, sir hero, allow my king to explain, but we need you to save the world."
"Are you kidding me? I don't have time for your problems. If you need the assistance of a Leaf Village shinobi that badly, place a request in with the 3rd Hokage, and a ninja team will see to your troubles. However, I need to go home."
"I agree with him. I refuse to help." said the one with black hair.
"I as well." replied the one with the bow.
"Same here." said the blonde one.
"Please oh valiant heroes! We have summoned you because we need your help, or the Waves of Catastrophe will swallow us all. I beg of you that you at least hear us out." begged the man at the front.
"Can you send us back?" asked Naofumi.
"I'm afraid we cannot."
"Then we have no choice in the matter, do we? Where do we go from here?"


Naofumi and the others were lead out of the room and up a staircase. Naofumi looked out the window to see the town. "This doesn't look like any of the hidden villages I've been to." He mutters.
"Hidden villages?" asked the blonde haired ponytail guy.
"Don't worry about it." responded Naofumi.
"It seems to be a Mediterranean climate." said the black haired boy.

"Have you never heard of the Mediterranean?" asked the same boy.
"No. This climate, however, reminds me of the Land of Wind, minus the sand that is. It is slightly warmer than the Land of Fire."
"The Lands of Wind and Fire? I never heard of them." said the boy with the bow.
"Come to think of it, you said something about ninja, shinobi and 'the Hokage'. Who are you?" asked the sword boy.
"It's rude to demand someone's name before giving your own." replied Naofumi. "However, I am Naofumi, Jonin ninja from the Village Hidden in the Leaves."
"Ninja? You? Dude, ninja haven't been a thing for the better part of 1000 years." said the blonde.
"Are you really a ninja? And what do you mean by Jonin? Oh, I'm Itsuki by the way." replied bow boy.
"Nice to meet you Itsuki. I am a ninja, and a Jonin is the highest of the three ranks of ninja. I became a Genin at the age of 8, meaning I graduated the Ninja academy, and then took part in the Chunin exams later that year, becoming a Chunin at 9. This meant I was able to lead a squad of Genin. Then, at age 14, I became a Jonin, meaning I could teach a Genin team. Every time I went up a rank, that meant I was able to take on tougher missions, and as a Jonin, I can take Rank A and S missions." explained Naofumi.
"That sounds so cool! I want to be a ninja!" fanboyed Itsuki.

'At least he's better than the fangirls.'

"If you want, I could teach you a bit on how to be a ninja." offered Naofumi. "If we're going to be stuck here, it would be beneficial that we got as much power as possible."
"Really?" asked Itsuki. "You'd be happy to teach me?"
"Of course. I'm able to since I'm a Jonin." said Naofumi, looking at the other two. "Would you two like to learn too?"
"That sounds beneficial. I would like to join you." said the sword boy.
"I'm good. I'm not all that good at being sneaky, so I would just get in the way." said the blonde, rubbing the back of his head.
"That's alright. Now, let's see what this is about and move on from there." said Naofumi, as he walked up the stairs with the other boys.

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