Chapter 11 - What Next?

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Hey guys, Striker777 here with the next chapter of Naofumi of the Sharingan, taking place in the regular world once more. Be sure to vote and comment on your thoughts and ideas, and for now, onto the story.


Surprisingly enough, Naofumi once again found himself in the same room where he got Raphtalia and Keel, now with Rifana, all getting slave crests once more. Naofumi knew the reasons why, at least logically speaking, since any demi-human without a crest was free picking for slave labour. Still, it made Naofumi uncomfortable that the three girl he thought of as daughters were once again becoming his slaves. It was like making a slave out of Sasuke or Naruto. It just didn't sit right with him.

"I'm amazed." said the slave trader. "You've help these scrawny bags of bones grow so much in such a short span of time. You could get 800 silver for all 3 if they were all virgins."
"But we are virgins!" defended Raphtalia.
"Unfortunately..." muttered Keel, receiving a bang on the head from Naofumi.
"A gold piece!" offered the man.
"No way in hell." responded Naofumi. "I just fought tooth and nail against the Spear Hero and the princess of these lands for them. I won't give them up."
"Master Naofumi..." muttered Raphtalia, deeply moved.

"At least, not for anything below 10 gold." deadpanned Naofumi.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" yelled Keel, rushing up and playfully pounding her fists into his chest. "YOU JUST FOUGHT AGAINST THE FUCKING MONARCHY TO KEEP US, YOU AREN'T SELLING US OUT FOR SOME DAMN GOLD!"
"Jeez, I was kidding. Calm down." said Naofumi, laughing his ass off at their expense. "There's no way I'll sell any of you, I'll never sell you."
"Hoho!" exclaimed the slave trader. "And dear sweet hero, are these girls really virgins? It would be such a shame to let that opportunity pass up."
"I haven't done anything to them, they're 10. They still have another 4 years, since that was when I first started." replied Naofumi nonchalantly.


The silence was deafening.

Raphtalia's face seemed to lose all its colour, and her expression was one of pure disbelief. Keel's jaw was dead on the floor, and Rifana, was the brightest shade of red Naofumi had ever seen. "Huh? You three okay?"



And that was how Naofumi found himself sitting at a table in the middle of the slave trading tent, his 3 genin over him with dangerous glints in their eyes.

"So... what is this about?" asked Naofumi. "Are you guys okay?"
"Master Naofumi~" sang Rifana, a smile on her face that promised pain. "What did you mean when you said, 'I first started'?"
"When I lost my virginity." said Naofumi with a shrug. "Is that what this is about?"
"If we have to answer that for you, you really are an idiot." muttered Keel.

"What? You mean the romantic interest you three have suddenly developed for me?" asked Naofumi, as if it were nothing. The three of them blushed up a storm, where Naofumi just sighed. "Hate to break it to you, but you aren't the first ones to fall in love with me, or just want my dick for prestige... I did have a life before I came to this world, you know."
"B-but sex?!" demanded Raphtalia. "A-a-are you a d-dad?"

4 sets of eyes on him, with the slave trader in the back absolutely loving the free show.

"Um... not that I know of." said Naofumi. "Although... it has been a while since I saw any of them..."
"T-them? As in... more than one?" asked Rifana.

"If you're wondering my bodycount... it's nine."

"NINE?!" yelled the three girls at once.
"Yeah, 9." said Naofumi, sighing at their look of shock. "Look, as a shinobi, any day could be your last. So, we like to get a lifetime of sex and other experiences out of the way as soon as possible. We have a very casual culture when it comes to sex."
"Who are these women?!" demanded Keel, grabbing him by the collar.
"That's a secret." said Naofumi, holding a finger to his lips. "I don't fuck and tell."

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