Chapter 18 - Jinpachi Munashi

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Hey guys, Striker777 here with the next chapter of the story, vote and stuff, yada, yada, yada. Anyway, take a look at the AN at the end of the chapter for a proposition that a few of you may like. Anyway, for now, onto the story!


Wails were heard in the dead of night as the pants of a new mother developed from her previous screams of pain. She gasped for breath, the pain staking, long, 13 hour labour she had to endure. But it had all been worth it, to hold in her hands the child she may not have wanted, but would love unconditionally as a mother. The wet-nurse gave her the child, allowing the new mother to hold the child in her arms.

"J-Jinpachi... you are Jinpachi Munashi..."

The bittersweet irony of a corpse holding new life was witnessed that night, as the new mother passed into the next life.


Jinpachi's father was named Hoshiki, and was one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, who wielded the legendary Shark Skin: Samehada. A tall man, with his son's signature hair and skin tone, the giant sword strapped to his back over his blue shirt. He wore black pants and matching shinobi sandals and a blue Hidden Mist Hitai-ate.

Hoshiki took one look at the boy before sending him to the orphanage, believing him to be unworthy of being his son.

Jinpachi stirred on the hatred for his father for decades, throughout his youth, even proclaiming to become such a fine shinobi, that he would surpass his father and make him eat the dirt he walked on. He hated the man for casting him out.

And he was going to make sure that bastard regretted it.

He would not be Jinpachi Munashi, son of Hoshiki, he would make him Hoshiki, father of Jinpachi Munashi.


Jinpachi laughed manically as he charged Naofumi, holding his pair of kunai in a defensive position, knowing full well that with their limited range, they would be less than useful in a fight against Shibuki. But he had no other alternatives, bar his own two hands, which would definitely be even worse to use against the crazy man with the sword that literally explodes.

Jinpachi Munashi, S Rank ninja from the Hidden Mist Village. He had a giant bounty out for his head in all 4 of the other major villages. The grand total was around 135,000,000 ryo. That amount of money could have Naofumi living comfortably with his family for quite a while. Maybe not when Yugito had their kid, or when he eventually started a family with Anko and Pakura, but they would be comfortable for a while.

But such a high bounty also came for a reason. He was dangerous, extremely dangerous. As one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, he was very well versed in kenjutsu, unlike Naofumi, who was more of a ninjutsu specialist.

"You need to stop being so full of yourself, Uchiha..." muttered Jinpachi. "Who the fuck gave you permission to wield Kiba and Nuibari, or call yourself a Ninja Swordsman?!" he yelled, before charging at Naofumi once more. He swung a wild arc of his blade, barely missing Naofumi, who ducked under it. However, Jinpachi activated the explosive tags along Shibuki, sending the sword backwards in a recoil, barely scratching Noafumi's shoulder as he jumped over it in a spin, before sending both kunai flying at the swordsman at close range.

Kunai never were meant to be thrown within the range of less than a meter because they couldn't pick up the necessary speed to do any real damage, at least, not without first channeling chakra, but it took too long to do in such a short range, so Naofumi just sent them flying. They barely stuck to Jinpachi for more than a moment, before he shook them off, accompanied by only a few small drops of blood, before he smirked and charged again. Naofumi brandished a new pair of kunai, and charged in himself.

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