Chapter 10 - Naofumi's Home and Past

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Hey guys, Striker777 here. Some life stuff happened and now my campus is closed, so I'm writing this to keep me sane. Anyway, this chapter focuses on the current situation with Naofumi's home, featuring Anko, Pakura, Naruto and Sasuke. I hope you guys enjoy, vote and comment if you do, and for now, onto the story.


"Take it you slut!" yelled a burly man on top of a woman, feeling a burn in his groins and an instant high as he came. He smiled in satisfaction as he laid down on the bed, drifting down to sleep. The woman who was sharing his bed sighed, picking up a tissue to wipe herself clean. Not like she needed the whole tissue anyway, two wipes and she was a clean as the day she was born, bar the sweat running down her body that was definitely not hers.

Anko Mitarashi, Jonin of the Leaf Village in the Torture and Interrogation Unit, who doubles as a standard Jonin, taking assignments every so often. Now, she was spending more time in the field than she was in the interrogation chambers. A full month had passed since that day.

When her favourite boy toy disappeared right in front of Kakashi.

It came out of nowhere, one moment he was there, the next he was enveloped in light and gone, according to Hatake anyway. Now, she was on one month without a decent sex partner to really challenge her. One taste of the Uchiha and any girl is hooked. It was like a genetic thing, seeing as his pseudo younger brother Sasuke was basically drowning in pussy without even having to do anything. Foreign girls were going to love him, just like his older brother.

She and Pakura began checking up on the kid Uchiha and their resident jinchuriki to make sure they were doing okay, chatting with them, sometimes just messing with them, and stuff like that. Now they were both out of the village with Kakashi and their least favourite pink banshee, doing their first C Rank escort mission.

Now, Anko began the trip home from the house of the absolute disappointment of a man she had just slept with. She would later come to learn that the man had a wife in the active line on duty, and felt bad for her. Not for her husband's infidelity, cause amongst shinobi, that was common, but on how poor of an excuse he was in bed. She made a note to introduce her to the Uchiha bedsheets when Naofumi came back home.

But currently, coming down from absolutely no sexual high whatsoever, which was not what she was hyped up for coming from his gloating of his giant cock and extreme skills in the sheets, she entered her home and dropped on her bed. It was late, she was tired, but she wanted to do something really bad.

She'd get her wish come morning.


"WHAT?!" yelled Anko, slamming her hands onto the desk of Hokage. "SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW!"
"I can promise you, Anko, Pakura, that this information comes straight from Hatake Kakashi." said Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Professor and the Third Hokage. "Naofumi was briefly spotted between a battle between Zabuza Momochi and Team 7. We need a team to confirm this and to assist Team 7 in their mission."
"This is clearly an S Rank mission." said Pakura of the Scorch Style. "Zabuza Momochi is an S Rank shinobi, much like myself. This is not a mission Genin should be participating in."
"That is why you two will be going as support, with two S Ranks and an A Rank ninja on the brink of S Rank, you two should have little problem teaming up with Kakashi to defeat Zabuza." said the Third Hokage. "But, whilst you are there, try to remove the influence of a man named Gato in the region. That man hinders the trade routes of the merchants and is driving the country into poverty. If that country is to pay for an S Rank mission, that man needs to be gone. Consider it an additional A Rank. Dismissed."
"Yes, Lord Hokage." said the two women at once, leaving Hokage tower to pack their things and begin their journey.

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