Chapter 15 - Keeping Up With the Shinobi World

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Hey guys, Striker777 here with the next chapter of this story. Bad news, however, a bunch of IRL stuff came up, so I quickly finished this chapter and published it. I may not post here for a while until shit clears up, but I just want you guys to know that this will be continuing, just maybe not right now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and for now, onto the story.


Naofumi wasn't one to complain when looking a gift horse in the mouth, but he had to be honest with himself. Dra and Filo were not doing him any favors at the moment. Not only did the two of them eat through an entire month worth of food in a single sitting, but they also destroyed all the clothes Naofumi made for them when they transformed. The two of them were being a giant drain of the wallet with food and clothes. Naofumi was sincerely concerned that the two of them might accidentally flash the entire capital, and with the lolicons in this country...

Yeah... they needed to find clothes that could survive the transformation process.

So, around 3 days after they first transformed into humans, Naofumi had the ingenious idea to summon Fitoria again. He bit his thumb, and made the necessary hand signs, Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram, and slammed his hand into the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

In a puff of smoke, Fitoria emerged in her human form. Seemingly confused at the lack of fighting, she looked at her summoner. "What can I do for you?"
"I need to ask you about your clothes." said Naofumi. "How do I go about getting clothes that don't get destroyed when you transform?"
"They need to be specially made by someone with the magic threads of the one the clothes are for." explained Fitoria.
"Magic thread?" asked Naofumi. "Where do I get some of those?"
"The person who the clothes are being made for spins in from a special spinning wheel with a magic gem, and it transforms the mana of the user into threads." informed Fitoria. "If you wish for clothes that do not get destroyed when you transform, you'll need to find someone with a magic spinning wheel."
"I see..." muttered Naofumi, thinking immediately of the owner of the boutique he frequented in the capital and Granny Witch. "I have a few ideas in mind. Thanks for the help, Fitoria. Are you guys doing okay with the Waves across the rest of the world?"

"We are managing." said Fitoria. "They are becoming less and less frequent, but more and more powerful as time passes. One day, we will have to rely on the strength of the 4 Cardinal Heroes to overcome the waves."
"I am working as hard as I can to get along with the Spear Hero." said Naofumi. "Ren, Itsuki and I work well together, but Motoyasu still isn't cooperating with me. He is, however, seeming to be lightening up to me, so it all may change soon."
"That is reassuring to hear." sighed Fitoria. "I look forward to hearing of your continued relations with the other 3 heroes, Master."

And just like that, in a poof of smoke, Fitoria disappeared. Naofumi sighed as he made his way back to the others.


Yugito steeled herself as she leant against Samui for physical support, and for emotional support as well. She breathed heavily as she looked up at the house she had called her own for the first 5 years of her life. She had come to pay her mother a visit.

Samui helped Yugito walk all the way from her house to her mothers residence. She had never been into Yugito's old house, since Samui never knew her before she became a jinchuriki. She heard her mother threw her out of the house immediately after she became the jinchuriki, at the tender age of 5. She hadn't seen her mother in 15 years.

Yugito worked up her courage and knocked on the door. There were some footsteps before the door opened, revealing a young, probably 8 year old, dark skinned boy. "Sorry, my mum says I'm not allowed to talk to strangers."
"We're here to see your mum, could you tell her a pair of shinobi have come to see her?" asked Samui.
"Okay. MUM! SHINOBI ARE HERE TO SEE YOU!" yelled the boy, as he ran off to get his mother. A few seconds later she emerged, her eyes closed in a sigh.
"Can I he-"

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