Chapter 7 - Aftermath

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Hey guys. Striker777 here with another chapter of Naofumi of the Sharingan. Be sure to vote and comment and all that.

Now, last chapter, you guys had the opportunity to try and guess the identities of Naofumi's two reoccurring booty calls, or at least the most reoccurring ones. One person took a swing in the dark (nice try hallsang) and completely missed. In case I made it too ambiguous, I left another tip as to who they are in the story below. Try your hardest to find out where it is and take a guess. Nothing to lose and something to gain, so why the hell not?

But enough about that, for now, onto the story.


With a final slash from Ren, it was over. The Chimera they had been facing was defeated and destroyed. As it fell to the ground, dead from the lightning attack, the sky began to clear, no longer the same blood red as it had been during the battle that had lasted a lot longer than Ren would have liked.

He hoped Naofumi was alright.

"Walk in the park." said Motoyasu, rolling his shoulders as if to say he was bored. "I bet the next one will be just as easy as this one."
"It's not a wise idea to jink it like that Motoyasu." said Itsuki. "For all we know, the next one will be hell."
"You worry too much." shrugged off Motoyasu, before he began looking around. "By the way, has anyone seen Naofumi anywhere?"
"I'm glad he wasn't here." said Myne, snuggling up to Motoyasu. "He would have held us back and we wouldn't have had as much fun."
"Haha, for sure." replied Motoyasu with a wide smirk.

"And a bunch more civilians would be dead."

Everyone turned to Ren, who had been silent for the whole time everyone was celebrating. "Remember that note from the start of the Wave? Naofumi went to Lute Village to protect the civilians, and had he and his party been here, I would wager that a hell of a lot more corpses would be stacked at the end of all this." he said, glaring at Motoyasu and Myne. "He had the most important job, protecting innocent lives, and it was our duty to end this Wave as quickly as possible in order to help him by closing the Wave. Any civilian casualties are on our hands."

"He isn't wrong." said Itsuki. "Isn't that the whole point of us being summoned? To protect the people of this land? Naofumi sure did a lot of that today."

Just then, a bird stormed the area, another letter in it's beak, and dropped it at Itsuki's feet. The Bow Hero picked it up and examined the contents, before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Civilian casualties are low, only 3." he reported, lifting the spirits of everyone in attendance. "Despite the 'mistakes' of some knights letting off a large AoE fire spell in the village, everyone was protected by Naofumi."

That lowered the spirits.

"That rapist has to be lying." claimed Myne. "Why would the knights ever let off a powerful fire spell in such a heavily populated area?"
"Naofumi did say 'mistake', so maybe it was just an honest mistake on the knight's part." said Itsuki, clearly not even believing himself for a moment. Naofumi saved the lives of the villagers from the knights.
"I dunno... " muttered Motoyasu. "An accidental large AoE spell that would have killed people let off by the knights? That's just too far fetched for me to simply accept as fact. Naofumi could've made the whole thing up to better his reputation after what monstrous actions he committed against Myne."

They were broken out of their conversation by the appearance of some knights.

"See, we can just ask them!" exclaimed Motoyasu.
"They're biased." said Ren. "No matter if they did or didn't, they'll claim they won't."
"We need to ask a neutral party, such as the villagers at the scene." said Itsuki. "So save your questions till then."

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