Chapter 22 - Shenanigans in the Hot Springs

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Hey guys, Striker777 here with the next chapter of Naofumi of the Sharingan. No real announcements to be made right now, so one with the story.


Naofumi nodded to the innkeeper as he handed off Hickwaal's products. She extended her thanks and Naofumi was paid in full. He looked around the town, Chaude Town, famous for it's hotsprings, where merchants gathered with luxurious jewels and accessories for the travelling tourists. For a person like Naofumi to enter the jewel market here might not have been the best idea in the world, so their trip here was strictly distribution.

How long had it been since he'd been to a hotspring. He hadn't visited the local Konoha Hotspring in a good few weeks or months, way past overdue. And hotsprings certainly knew how to bring up one hot memory he shared with Pakura, when they had their first time in a hotspring resort on a mission.

Then Kakashi gave them shit for it and got a black eye courtesy of Pakura.

'Heh. He had that shiner for 2 weeks.' remembered Naofumi. That was so funny even Yugao broke out into fits of laughter.

Turning around, he could see his five companions smiling and messing around in the foot hot springs, obviously their first time at such a place. Filo was swinging her legs through the warm water with a blissful look on her face as the others just held their feet in, until the ever monotone Dra stood up with her feet still in the water, and fell down into it, relaxing with a smile on her face as the water enveloped her.

"You guys seem to be having fun." said Naofumi, walking over to his party with a smirk.
"Master! This water's so great!" exclaimed Filo with a smile of approval. "Can I go in this hotspring thing too? Can I?"
"You want to go in the hotspring, huh?" asked Naofumi with his smirk still plastered over his face. He looked over at his dragon. "I don't think I need to ask Dra for her opinion. What about you three?" he questioned as he turned to his three genin.

"Please! I want in this thing! If I can get one I can soak in, I'll be eternally happy." sighed Keel as she relaxed her feet even further.
"It would be nice to relax for a bit, after everything that happened." said Rifana.
"Well... I'm not really that interested actually, but if you and the others want to go, I'd be happy to accompany you." muttered Raphtalia, her wagging tail behind her giving her lie away in an instant.

Naofumi smiled. "Well, that's good. I haven't been in a hot spring in ages, so we're staying the night. It's been too long since my last soak."

And that got positive reactions out of everyone. Especially Filo and Dra, who rushed forward and hugged him.

'Must protect at all costs.'


A sigh escaped their lips as they lowered themselves into the hotspring. Letting the warm water that was just the perfect temperature envelope them, they felt all their struggles, stresses and worries melt away into the water. All the travelling, the stressfull situations, the fucking baby.

Yugito smiled to herself as she relaxed a bit. She knew she couldn't stay in for long, only around 10 or so minutes before she had to get out, but it was a theraputic experience for her to relax in the hotsprings. It was always a staple for shinobi of all cultures and villages, her own included, to relax and unwind in a hotspring.

So getting to relax in a hotspring, even if only for a moment, on her long and perilous trip, was exactly what she needed.

She looked across from her at her two new... sister-wives she believed the term to be. Never in her youth had she imagined this situation, polygamy being a concept so unheard of that the Hidden Cloud never had an instance of it. She knew that Feudal Lords and Daimiyos had mutliple wives and concubines, the Daimiyo of the Land of Lightning had a harem of 5 wives and 20 more concubines, but it was never really brought over to Shinobi Culture. Sure, the CRA was present in every hidden village, but no one ever had to enact it on account of never having a massacre incident like the Uchiha Clan did.

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