Chapter 16 - The Trader's Spirit

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Hey guys, Striker777 back. Things have been... really shit at home recently. I won't go into detail, but everything from my home life, as well as the last few weeks of my last uni semester and the seemingly non-stop shifts at work really took a toll on me and my writing. I couldn't find any motivation to write anymore, I felt like shit and I didn't really do all that much in what little free time I had.

Life has been hard for me recently, and I couldn't write. Physically, I felt sick trying to, and what I did write was horrible and I hated both it and myself. I'm in a bit of a lockdown too recently, and work piled on as most of the elderly people I work with couldn't come in. I worked for 8 straight days. I was so exhausted I slept through the entire next day, and didn't even realise it until GOH chapter 520 was already out.

But I'm back. Not at 100%, not by a long shot, but I feel good enough to start writing again, to try and be the writer I always wanted to be.

To give you the experience I set out to give when I first came to Wattpad.

Now, enough with this long-ass author note, onto the story!



Naofumi looked on from the sidelines and Filo and Dra were given their slave crests, which had cost him quite the large amount of coin, with a deal for 1 gold for the pair of them. Naofumi's pockets were beginning to run really fry, with only 76 silver left, which would barely last a day with the amount of food and clothes the two newest additions to his party were costing him. He really needed to get them some magic thread before they tore through his entire budget and he started going into debt.

On the positive spectrum, he got the official word of Filo and Dra being candidates for the titles of Filolial Queen and Dragon Empress respectively. The title of Filolial Queen was currently held by Fitoria, so Naofumi had the possibility to have 2 Filolial Queens and a Dragon Empress on his side, which greatly excited him. He would be able to combat the waves of calamity and find a way for him to safely return home with his precious people.

It still didn't help his increasingly worrisome money problem.

Naofumi sighed, as he resigned himself to find another way to make a lot of money very quickly, if he wanted to keep their heads above the bankrupt line. He'd love to make the same medicine he always did and keep selling it in order to turn a profit, but the revenue of that wasn't coming in fast enough, despite the supply of the medicine being low and the demand reaching new heights. If Naofumi wanted to keep his economic gains, he had to find a new field to go into, but maybe still make medicine with the assistance of shadow clones, just to help people out.

People were no good to him if they were dying of sickness.

As he contemplated his options, Filo began to resist the crest, slamming into the walls of the barrier to escape. It was all in vain, however, as the crest planted itself on her and Dra, officially making them the property of Naofumi, both at level 19. Naofumi sighed as the process was finished, allowing him to affectionately pat their heads in comfort, as they turned back into their human forms, still naked. Naofumi quickly grabbed onto a pair of cloaks he was holding, his last two, and threw them around the two girls, quickly covering them up.

First stop was a tailor for some good temporary clothes.

Naofumi thanked the Slave Trader for his business, and went on his way to the tailor that he visited when he first got Raphtalia and Keel.

Naofumi of the SharinganDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora