Chapter 12 - Return to Lute Village

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Hey guys, Striker777 here with the next chapter of the story. Be sure to vote and comment, and for now, onto the story.


Naofumi looked at the scene before him with a slight look of worry. He and his 3 genin were in the stables of the inn they had been staying at for the last week, a deadpanned look on his face as he looked into the two pens, side by side.

"Hey... Rifana?"
"Yes?" asked his Weasel genin.
"Is this normal?" asked Naofumi.
"I... I don't think so..."

To what the two were referring to was the rapid growth of the two eggs that he had bought off the Slave Trader. He had watched them hatch not 5 days ago, and he will freely admit that the two of them were extraordinarily cute when they hatched. The filolial was small and pink, with a yellow beak and bright blue eyes. The dragon was also small, around the same size as the filolial, but with black and red scales, and a pair of tiny horns on it's head.

The two of them had been fighting since birth, which was completely natural for dragons and filolials to do. Naofumi wished someone had told him that before he accidentally forced himself to get two creatures that were constantly going to be at each other's throats. Naofumi quickly put a stop to it, but it eventually went from full on brawls to cheap shots and mischief.


The filolial was taller than Naofumi, the neck making up around half of the creature's height. It was now white with some pink feathers, and was ridiculously fast, fast enough that Naofumi would have a pretty hard time keeping up with her if he was moving at his regular ninja running speed. The dragon was comparatively slow, only being able to run at the speed of the average civilian, but it had already shown process in utilizing it's fire. Standing at the mature height of around the size of a shark with 4 legs, the beast was absolutely terrifying.

Naofumi loved them. They were so great.

But... after only five days... Naofumi was more than a little concerned.

"How could they already be fully matured after 5 days? It makes no sense." he commented.
"I don't really get it either." muttered Keel. "This isn't normal. It can't be."

True enough, when they were 2 days old, a man had commented on how quickly they were growing, saying he raised filolials for a living. Naofumi had been concerned ever since about what that pharmacist put in those vitamins, causing them to grow at such an accelerated rate. Over the week, Naofumi had considered just throwing the vitamins away, but their growth rate was beneficial for their combat use in the Waves of Catastrophe.

And tonight was the night that the group was supposed to return from their mission to Wave.

Naofumi could hardly wait.


"Look at the tits on that one!"

Of all the ways to say hello...

Classic Anko Mitarashi.

He sat on a stool in his room, his three genin behind him, looking down into the crystal of his shield, catching glimpses of the group of 6 that appeared on his screen.

They had all returned safely from the Wave, killing Zabuza Momochi and another person who went by Haku on their journey. Naofumi was so proud of the two young boys, who he considered his little brothers, and the pink banshee was pretty alright too, he guessed.

But... when they brought up how Haku had an Ice Style Kekkei Genkai... Naofumi was a little depressed, thrown back into the past.

And a really pretty girl with long purple hair.

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