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I had to find a way to cancel the date.

Jeongyeon was picking at the last piece of bread she had while looking up at the fairy lights. I pulled out my phone. I never got his number. Were did he even expect to meet me.

"He call you yet?" I shook my head.

Wait jihyo has it. He's class president so she most likely had his number. "I'm gonna try calling him. Jihyo has his number I think"

She nodded handing me some bread. "Thanks."


"Where are you. I thought you were going on that date?"

"No not anymore. I'm here with Jeongyeon. Do you have jins number. I'm going to cancel plans"

"Uh ok. Why are you canceling. This is Jin. KIM SEOKJIN"

"I know. I just don't want to go out with him. He's not my type anymore"

"Not your type. You've liked him for ever"

"Shut up. Not anymore. I'm occupied with life right now."

"Whatever. I'll send his number to you"

"Thanks jihyo"


While Nayeon was figuring out the whole Jin thing I went out to the lake. I needed to think about today.

It was crazy. I haven't gotten that mad in a while. Probably because I haven't messed with people since my family left me.

Nayeon loved me. I didn't fully believe her yet. I needed more time to think about this. More time with Nayeon.

I still felt achy about my life. I knew nothing could be perfect but things were happening. It was weird to have someone. Someone to look after me. It wasn't usually like this.

Could I even pull it off. Being a girlfriend.


"Nayeon how are you?"

"Good thanks."

"I forgot to ask for your number sorry. Are you ready for tonight?"

"Uh about that. I wanted to cancel it"

"Oh really..Why?" Oh god. I'm sorry Jin.

"I actually have plans I forgot about. I'm going out to dinner with an old friend. I haven't seen them in ages"

"In that case let's do it tomorrow" think Nayeon think.

"They are staying for the next month. I'm sorry"

"You can't ask to go out?"

"I wanna really enjoy my time with them"

"I texted one of your friends earlier. Who was it...oh yeah tzuyu. She said you've been hanging out with Jeongyeon a lot. I wanted to see when you were free. She said Nothing about an old friend coming"

Shit. "I have been hanging out with Jeongyeon but"

"But what. Nayeon I know something's up. You can tell me. I'll accept it. Well actually I really wanted to ask you something"

Don't be about Jeongyeon. "What?"

"Be my girlfriend. I've been thinking a lot about this and I think I really do like you" No. no don't do this to me Jin.


"It's ok...is there a reason your saying no?"

"I would tell you but..."

"What? I'm not gonna tell anyone"

"I know you will"

"Nayeon. I'm not as bad as you think. If it's ridiculous then maybe"

"It's ridiculous"

"No it can't be. Tell me"


"Your what" he wouldn't look at me the same after this. Damn it.

"I'm in a relationship already"

"That's not ridiculous. Now who is he? Am I friends with him? Wait is it namjoon!? I knew it!"

"No no! Jin it's not namjoon. Or anyone of your friends."

"Then who the hell is it. Not Jackson right? Now I'm about to tell everyone"

"No! Jin stop. I'm dating...Jeongyeon."

"Jeongyeon. Let me think...the only Jeongyeon in are school is Yoo. Your dating Yoo Jeongyeon!?"

"Yes I'm dating her. I really like her ok"

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that"

"Don't tell anyone. No one knows. Jin please don't tell your friends."

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay. I would've stopped a while ago"

"I didn't know I was..gay. She just came into my life. It's crazy Jin. I don't know how else to explain this to you but I'm sorry for disappointing you"

He signed. "It's fine. Your secret is in my hands. Came to me tomorrow though. I have a stupid gift I was gonna give you. I still think you'll like it"

"Thanks Jin. Goodbye"

"Bye. Stay safe with Yoo."

"I will."

"You promise?"

"I promise"

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