>Thank You<

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How didn't she know. For Christ sakes it was all over the newspaper when it first happened.

Don't think about it.

Don't think about anything. Then you'll be happy.

I repeated that a lot to calm down but today it wasn't helping. She was so clueless. Just go home. Your parents miss you right. Right!?

Fuck I miss them. I miss them. I miss them. Come back. Come back.

I want them back. Please. Ah. It's a good day tomorrow. It'll be the right day.

Do it. This is stupid staying here when I could be with them.


I couldn't get her off of my mind I was seriously worried about her mood. I shouldn't of left. Maybe she would...no. Oh god if someone died because of me.

Jeongyeon can we talk? ——

—— what

Oh thank god. Thank god.

I apologize for saying what I did. I had no idea about what happened and I will never know. I'm sorry——

—— it was all over when it first happened.

They died? ——

—— yes

Thank you for telling me ——

—— why?

Because I'm sure that wasn't easy to tell me——

Can you come to school tomorrow ——

—— I'm busy

I'll walk with you and everything. We could even take a swim in the morning ——

—— I'm busy. Don't come to the lake tomorrow

My mind put her words into the worst situation. I felt like she was planning something.

Jeongyeon ——

Please ——

Come to school ——

Jeongyeon ——

—— I'm done. I want to be with them. With everything I lost

Oh god. Come on

They wouldn't want that ——

—— said who you? Kim?

No said them ——

—— there not here anymore

Doesn't mean there not watching you right now  Yoo ——

—— there's nothing to be here for. I want to go home

For me ——

—— and who are you to me?

Your friend that's going to help you ——

—— I don't need your help

You need to friend though. Just once come to school and Hang out. Then I'll stop bothering you if you want me too. Deal? ——

—— whatever

Yoo your better then you think you are ——

—— sure

😋😋😋have a goodnight Jeongyeon ——

—— you too


I guess the big plan for tomorrow got spoiled.

Did my family really watch me. I don't believe it but who knows. I guess Nayeon knows.


Usually all of us girls walked to school together but early in the morning I went to the lake to check and see if Jeongyeon did anything.

She wasn't there.

Meet me at the lake ——

—— ok

I sat at the edge of the rocks waiting for her.
This was a beautiful place. It felt less exciting when Jeongyeon wasn't here though.

"How long have you been here?"

I turned to see Jeongyeon with her school uniform on and a small smile on her face.

"Not to long. Let's go the bus is coming soon"

I walked into school with her. Everyone in the hallway looked us like we had three eyes. What the hell.

I wasn't one of the popular girls but everyone usually greeted me and my friends in the morning.

I looked next to me. Jeongyeon was gone.

"Jeongyeon. What the heck" I walked into the bathroom. She was against the wall.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm ok. Go on"

"No. I came here with you. Who cares if they look at us" she rolled her eyes. "Go. I'll be at class. Don't worry"

"Fine. I'm trusting you Yoo"

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