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"Jihyo he's right there..." she looked over her shoulder.

Jin looked at her and got up. The entire school seemed to look and know what was going to happen.

Nayeon let go of my hand. I tried to grab it back but she was covering her mouth.

Jin smiled at us all and held out his hand for Nayeon saying "will you go out with me for dinner tonight?"

I knew she would say no. That was so corny too. Oh will you my princess go out with me~


"Uh...Jin.." Just say no.

"Come on Nayeon do it!" Her friends cheered her on.


Your kidding. She was looking at him so happy like this is what she's waited for all her life. I put down my chopsticks and stood up. She finally noticed that yes I was there and yes she just said yes to go on a date when she was dating me.

I just got up and left. A weird feeling was going about me. I couldn't see how someone could do that.

"Fuck!" I slammed my hand onto her locker.


Jin asked me out. I've waited so long for him to ask me.

But Jeongyeon. I was dating her.

AM I STUPID. I couldn't do it though. I couldn't say no. For fucks sake. Everyone including the teachers were watching. The most popular guy in school asked me out and here I was dating Yoo Jeongyeon the most nervous anti social person in the world.

Jin smiled wide at my answer but Jeongyeon she left in a flash she was gone.

I knew were she'd be. I sat back down. Everyone was clapping. "Jeongyeon just left"

"She seemed upset"

Mina looked at me. Her eyes piercing threw me. She shook her head. She was the only one that solved the puzzle. "Are you gonna go get her?"


"Nayeon. Don't do things like this"


"No buts. Your responsible for this go" the others looked confused. Mina just gave me a stern look.

Sadness went through me. Damn it. If Yoo didn't come into my life. Non of this wouldn't have even happened.


"FUCK YOU IM!" tears streamed down my cheeks. It was a blurry walk to the lake.

Why would she do this. Why why!


She was behind me. "You get the fuck away from me!"

"I'm sorry"

"I said get away! Before I hurt you"

"You wouldn't hurt me" I turned around. She stopped. "YOU HURT ME!"


"No. Fuck you!" She stepped closer. "Jeongyeon I'm going to cancel it"

"You still did it!"

"Because! I've liked him for a while now"

"I thought we were a thing! You know all the stuff you said last night! Nayeon come on!" I couldn't trust her anymore.

"Not until I met you. I like you now. It was just the moment. Everyone was watching"

"Still you could've said no. Said no for me to know that I'm doing the right thing with my life. Honestly I don't know what I'd be doing right now if it wasn't for you. These past days I have been so happy. So fucking happy. YOU RUINED IT"

"Jeongyeon! Stop"


"I should've ended this sad life a while ago"
I slapped her clean in the face. She fell to the dirt ground.


I now couldn't imagine a day without her. It brought me a new happiness to see her. To make her smile but if she's gone then what will I have.

She stayed on the ground silently crying. I immediately joined her and held her face. "I'm so sorry. Jeongyeon I didn't mean for this to happen. I just want you to be happy. I fucked it up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I broke down in her arms wondering if I should just get out of her life. "I'll just leave you be"

"No. I'm not losing you too. I love you"

"You love me?"

"Yeah I do. Your the only person who's tried. I thought that would never happen."

I kissed her. God I did love her too. I was so stupid to say yes to Jin. How would he even react if I said I was dating Jeongyeon. He'd probably tell me she's crazy. She's not.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up some how"

"How? I don't think you can"

"I know a restaurant—"

"Im in!"

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