>Wake Up<

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Stupid Yoo Jeongyeon making me think she was drowning. I seriously freaked out. Imagine if she actually did. Ah I would die.

"Mina I'm skipping school tomorrow"

"Why?" She walked in with a cup stirring a stick around in it. "Because Jeongyeon said she'll be at the lake tomorrow and I want to get this stupid shit over with"

"What happened?"

"She was under for like a whole two minutes. I thought she was dead Mina. Made me go in to get her."

"That's funny"
I walked over and grabbed her cup. "Shut up."
"Have fun Nayeon"

"I know. Have fun being with a mental person"


No one ever came to the lake this early. It was still dark out. I took off all of my clothes this time. It was cold but nice on my skin. Everything numbed out.

I swam around and around until my legs gave out and found myself on the rocks next to my clothes.

My shirt smelled like that girl. I remember this smell. Her perfume always made its way into my nose whenever she would pass. It was everywhere. The whole school smelt of it and now my only shirt ruined.

I didn't have enough money to go and wash it out. I only had enough for food. Well not even that.

I threw it into the water and let it soak for a little bit. I laid down.

"Yoo. Wake up" she was asleep with no clothes on. I tried not to look at her body. God I think she is crazy.

She moved her hand to her face but a wet shirt touched it. She jumped up.

I placed my jacket around her shoulders and stepped back. "Uh I saw you like this and didn't want anyone taking advantage of you"

"Thanks but I do this all the time im fine"

"Sure. Your fine. So you slept here all night?"

"No I came here early to swim and then I was washing out this shirt."

"In lake water!?" I grabbed it from her and took a smell. It was nasty. "Don't you have more shirts at home? You wore this yesterday."

"No I don't have more"

She looked down. Her face was a mix of anger and confusion. "I don't have any money to get the shirt cleaned so I tried it myself"

"Oh sorry. I didn't know. Well you can keep my jacket if you want it's all nice and clean." I didn't want her to have it but I felt bad. Her parents didn't help her pay. How sad.

"What are you doing here anyways"

"Remember the text. To make a friend"


"Yeah" I hit her arm. She moved back. "Sorry."

She got up and dived into the water. "Jeongyeon!"

"Wanna be friends? Then join me! First one to the other side gets to pick where we go"
She started swimming. What the hell is wrong with this girl.

I jumped in and attempted to beat her to the other side but she was much better at swimming. Stupid Momo should've taught me better for situations like this.

Jeongyeon came up for air and let out a laugh. "You suck Yoo. Now I'm all wet and your still naked!"

"Oh. I'll be back" she swam all the way back to her clothes. I turned around. The woods were very pretty. I could definitely see why she liked to come out here. The fresh air was nice and the—


"Jeongyeon!" She threw my jacket in my face and walked to a tree and leaned on it.

"Ah I hate you. Since you won where do you want to go?"

"There's this bakery I go to." That sounded better then I expected. "Ok let's go then."

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