27 : Hermione

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Song for the Chapter: Bend & Break ~ Keane

Hermione's POV

I disappear for three minutes, and Draco's almost got himself killed. Although, considering it was Ron trying to kill him, he would have probably turned him into a daisy instead.

Draco looked up at me with a mixture of admiration and fear as I skipped down the steps, wand in hand. Harry and Ron only stared. Ron looked ready to hex my head off. Not if I do it to him, first, I thought gleefully.

"What are you doing?" I asked Draco. "I said meet me in ten minutes, not ten hours! Stop trying to get yourself killed and put your bloody hat on." Draco laughed despite himself and slipped the knitted hat on over his silvery blond hair.

Harry and Ron's jaws dropped even further, if that was possible. 

"Hermione!" Spluttered Ron despairingly.

"Hermione..." mumbled Harry, totally dumbstruck.

"What?" I wheeled around, brandishing my wand fiercely. "Anybody else got a problem with Malfoy?" Harry and Ron both swallowed. Harry shook his head numbly and made to leave, but Ron straightened up indignantly.

"Yes, actually," he said loudly. "I have a problem. Because you, Hermione, are supposed to end up with me. Or Harry! I couldn't care less who you go out with! Just not him!"

I gasped indignantly. "We are not going out!" I shouted. "How many times do I need to tell you? Just because you can both hold grudges against a person for eight years, doesn't mean I can, too! What if I told you that, while you were both too busy celebrating Ron's money, I was crying my eyes out - and he came and spoke to me!"

Silence. Then --

"Sorry, Hermione," mumbled Harry, shame-faced and quiet. I smiled gratefully. 

"It's all right, Harry. I - forgive you." I winced, wondering if I should have been softer on him all those times he tried to get me and Ron to be friends again, and I'd turned him down snappishly. It wasn't Harry's fault - not really. Ron was the one who wasn't apologising.

"I'm not going to have a pity party for you, if that's what you're expecting!" Snarled Ron, crossing his arms. "Just stay away from me. Both of you. I tried to help you, 'Mione. But you're being stupid. Come on, Harry."

And they were gone.

"God, I really want to kill them," muttered Draco fiercely, although the effect was ruined slightly by the fact he was wearing my hand-knitted woolly hat on his head. "Let me just go and grab my jacket, and then we can go to Hogsmeade."

"Don't worry about it," I sighed quickly, dejectedly pulling off my many scarves. "I'm not really in the mood now. I can go do it later. Let's go...let's go to the library."

"Why the library?" Draco asked, tugging off his hat and tucking it fondly into his pocket.

I sighed. "Because it's the only place we can go that I know for a fact Harry and Ron won't be!" I giggled, and Draco laughed, looping his arm through mine as we walked through the mostly deserted corridors. Since it was Hogsmeade day, most people were outside, or in the village. And there would be nobody in the library. It was Christmas, after all.

"All right," replied Draco. "We can go and do...err...homework." Draco wiggled his eyebrows and I smacked him. Hard.

"Draco Malfoy, you are the most childish, immature person I've ever met," I groaned. "Why are we even friends?"

"We're friends?" Asked Draco quietly. So quietly, it shocked me. I looked up at him curiously. He looked oddly wistful, and I stopped suddenly, placing my hand on his.

"Yes," I assured him gently. "Yes, of course we are. We've been hanging out for months now. And - and you might be the most annoying person I've ever met, but you can also be the funniest! And the kindest."

"No," shrugged Draco, wrapping my gloved hand in his and placing his knitted hat on my head squarely. "That award goes to you."

Author's Note: AAAHHH this was so cute to write! I love their relationship so much :) Vote and comment everyone! <3

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