(PART 1) 1 : Draco

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Song for the Chapter : Sad ~ Maroon 5

Draco's POV

Okay, record-scratch moment here. What am I doing back at Hogwarts, you ask? Why am I snogging Pansy Parkinson? And why the hell - never mind. Let me start from the beginning.

Yes, I made a reputation as a pretty bad traitor during the war. But since Hogwarts reopened for the N.E.W.T students, all I wanted to do was prove myself. Turns out, everybody seems to think I've changed for the better (they're probably wrong) and I'm all popular again for some reason - well, among the Slytherins.

And as for the whole Pansy Parkinson thing? That's a long story. But let me get one thing straight - I hate Pansy Parkinson. For starters, she looks like a pug that's been run over twice by a huge truck. But even if she was remotely attractive, she's an even worse traitor than me. And let's not forget that her voice is two octaves higher than anything natural.

Hey, I'm only snogging her because I haven't kissed anybody in a while, and since she's been begging me to do it for literal weeks I finally gave in. I'm not saying she tasted good. In fact, it felt really uncomfortable kissing her, but let's not talk about that. It was disgusting. And it probably triggered a load of rumours, but I don't care. I spread rumours, not make them.

"Draco," said Pansy breathlessly, breaking away from me with fistfuls of my robes in her hands. I looked down at her with raised eyebrows. She's the most clingy person I've ever met. "That was amazing!" Her eyes filled with light and I tried to look somewhat happy, although that was pretty difficult, so I give myself an O* for Acting.

"Uh - yeah." I faked an agreement and then turned abruptly to look in the other direction. Students were flooding the corridors now, and a bell sounded somewhere in the distance. Were we supposed to be in class? I think so. I was pretty drunk from the previous night, being an eighth-year and all. Oh, yeah. That was what Pansy Parkinson tasted of. Drink.


"Aren't we supposed to be in potions?" Asked Pansy with mock-innocence, voicing my concern. Except it wasn't really a concern, because in my philosophy, I was an eighth-year who could do whatever the hell I wanted. My biggest concern at that moment was getting as far away from Pansy Parkinson as was humanely possible.

"Probably," I shrugged. "Listen, I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Thank God Pansy didn't follow me in there, although I half-expected her to, given how clingy she was being lately. It was just an excuse, though. As soon as I rounded the corner and the crowd of kids started to thin, I broke into a run and started to jog down the steps and into the dungeons. If I could just make it to the common room before anybody saw me, I'd be alone for a whole, sweet hour.

That was when I heard the crying.

It was echoing around the dungeon walls and made me stop dead in my tracks. It was definitely a girl crying - my first thought was, thank God it's not Pansy. I slowed my pace a little, checking there were no professors roaming the corridors, and wandered closer and closer to the source of the crying - a tiny alcove in the wall where a girl sat curled up, hugging her knees to her chest.

At first, I didn't recognise her. Her face was obscured by a mess of chestnut brown hair, but once she saw me she jumped violently and turned her pale, tear-stained face towards me, I knew instantly who it was. I recognised the dark eyes, dark hair - I recognised everything about her. But the biggest question was why the hell she was crying, and why the hell she was in the dungeons.


We'd only been back at Hogwarts a week, and already I had a feeling that this year was going to be the weirdest one yet.

Author's Note: Hi! I'm so happy to be back and writing Dramione again. This first chapter took a while because I wanted to make sure it was perfect. I really hope you like this book so far! I'm aiming for shorter chapters, but lots of them. Don't forget to vote and comment, it really makes my day! 

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