7 : Draco

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Song for the Chapter : Human ~ The Killers

Draco's POV

Okay, Hermione's glare kind of set me on edge a little. What set me on edge even more was asking what I was about to ask her. She was looking furious as it was, and I wasn't sure I wanted to test her anymore. Here goes, idiot.

"I was wondering," I said smoothly, "If you'd like to have dinner."

Hermione raised her eyebrows at me. "Dinner?" She repeated incredulously. My stomach plummeted like in a cartoon, and I tried my best to disguise and ignore it. "Why...why would I want to have dinner...with you?"

I shrugged. "You might be hungry," I grinned. Hermione stared at me, open-mouthed, and folded her arms with a tight-lipped frown of disapproval on her face.

"If I have dinner with you, you'll never let me hear the end of it," she said, thinking aloud. I inclined my head slightly.


"If I have dinner with you, you'll just make fun of me."

"Not true." Hermione looked up, and I assumed what I hoped was a sincere expression. Let me tell you, it's hard not to smirk in every emotion you show when you're Draco Malfoy. My trademark is smirking.

"Seriously?" She paused for a moment. "Where?" Hermione asked. This was good, I thought hopefully. This meant she was considering.

"Someplace," I shrugged, with an infuriating gleam in my eyes that I knew would frustrate her. I wiggled my eyebrows, and when she started to glare again I added hurriedly, "Someplace...which is the Room of Requirement, in case you were wondering." Hermione relented and stood thinking.

"I still think you've had your brain damaged or something," she said. I laughed despite myself and did a little mock-bow.

"Thank you," I said, nodding my head. Hermione smiled a little, but kept a wary eye on me, probably trying to make sure Blaise didn't jump out and scream "I SHIP IT". I'd specifically told him not to follow me here. Pfft. Like he'd listen to that.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to say yes." Hermione chewed her lip, clearly deep in thought. Finally, she said reluctantly, "Fine. I'll have 'dinner' with you. But I swear to god, if you do anything remotely stupid, I will kill you."

"I don't doubt it," I returned gleefully. "Shall we say, six o'clock?" Hermione rolled her eyes again. She'd been doing that so much towards me lately it was a wonder her eyes were still firmly attached to her head.

"Six is good," she murmured. "Hopefully I won't have to see you before then." I laughed.

"Of course you will! Everybody loves me, remember?" Then it was Hermione's turn to laugh.

"You mean, Pansy Parkinson loves you," she muttered. She looked up. "I'm sorry, she's your girlfriend, I didn't mean --"

"Girlfriend?" I spluttered. Hermione frowned.

"Well, she is your girlfriend, isn't she? The way she always sits in your lap and snogs you."

"Tries to snog me," I corrected proudly. "No, she's not my girlfriend. She's not really my friend. And she barely passes as a girl. More like 90% pug, 10% human in my opinion." Hermione burst out laughing - an ugly laugh, one where you can't stop yourself, but it kind of made me appreciate how musical it sounded. 

Was that weird? Yeah. Definitely weird.

"See you tonight, then." Hermione raised an eyebrow at me and marched out of the library, in considerably better spirits, I hoped, then when she'd entered. I smirked after her and wandered in the opposite direction, coming face to face with Pansy.

"Draco?" Snarled Pansy. "Have you been talking to another girl?" She asked. I widened my eyes in mock-surprise. Hopefully she'd only just come around the corner. If she hadn't...I was so, so dead.

"No," I shrugged. I even leaned forwards and dragged my lips across her mouth. It wasn't a kiss - in fact, it was so far from it I'd probably need to use a lot of mouthwash later. But it got me out of trouble. Pansy smiled with satisfaction and clung to my arm again like superglue, while I wondered what the hell I was thinking, going to dinner with Hermione Granger.

Author's Note: Hi! This chapter was so fun to write :) As always, remember to vote and comment! Thank you again to asmith394 and bluedevils3 for voting and commenting, it means a lot <3 Song suggestions are always appreciated in the comments!                                                  

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