18 : Hermione

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Song for the Chapter: Norman ******* Rockwell ~ Lana Del Rey

Hermione's POV


I froze. I was about to turn into the library for the night, and go sit in one of the comfortable armchairs with a fantasy book. But then I heard someone call my name. Swallowing, I turned around and was surprised to see Draco stood in the doorway, looking uncharacteristically desperate.

"Malfoy?" I asked tightly, not wanting to convey much emotion to him. He didn't deserve it, anyway. Sure, I believed him when he said he was sorry at breakfast this morning. But the way he had to put literal effort into not being an idiot around me...that was what made my blood boil. Ugh.

"I know you probably hate me right now." He spoke fast, like he was scared that if he took a break I'd walk up and punch his face so hard his skull would rattle. True, that was what I wanted. But I'd learnt to keep my fiery third-year temper under control. I hoped.

"But I want to apologise for basically being a git," he shrugged uneasily. I bit my lip, staring at him. I didn't want to speak until he'd finished. I'd never been in a more awkward position in my life. "I've been a git all my life. And I'm not trying to make excuses," Draco added hastily. "But it's hard for me not to be. But I've been trying to change. All I want is to at least be - well, what we were before."

"Okay," I sighed. I thought long and hard for a while. I wanted to be on good terms, at least. I wasn't exactly ready to make a friend, let alone an ally, of Draco Malfoy. But bursting into tears every time I spoke to him or saw him wasn't something I wanted. And at least he was trying to change. I took his word for it. I was trusting him to be better.

"Okay," I said again. "I - I want to be - you know. What we were before." I took a step closer to Draco, fiddling with the skin around my nails nervously. "But I swear to God, Malfoy. If you ever do anything stupid to me again, I won't be so kind." 

Draco nodded gratefully, and I could almost see the wave of relief pass over his face. A smirk spread across his lips and he punched my arm playfully. "Cheers, Granger," he said gleefully. He pretended to zip his lips and flicked away the imaginary zipper. "I promise I'll be less of a git."

"You won't be a git at all," I reminded him forcefully, following him out of the library. He grinned.

"Yeah. That, too," he said, snorting. Now it was my turn to punch his arm. 

"I'm serious, Malfoy," I laughed, biting my lip to stop him from getting the satisfaction of seeing me laughing at him. "If we're going to be sort-of friends then I don't want to cry at you all the time. I - I don't want you to be mean to me."

He stopped dead and stared at me so sincerely I thought he was possessed. Seriously.

"Granger." He grabbed my wrist and held it tight. "I swear, if I'm ever mean to you again, you can kill me in what ever way you see fit. Agreed?"

I pulled my wrist away and grimaced. "Agreed."

"Glad that's settled," said Draco cheerfully. He started to whistle softly to himself, then held the door open for me. I snorted in disbelief and passed through.

"I'm headed to quidditch practice," he said, rubbing his eyes exhaustedly. "I'll - maybe see you later?"

"In your dreams," I scoffed. Draco mimed tipping an imaginary hat to me, then wandered off down the maze of corridors, leaving me alone with my heart beating a little faster.

Author's Note: 300 reads already! I have so many big plans for this story and I'm so happy you're enjoying it. Vote and comment, I love to read what you have to say <3

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