Chpt 27: Poor girl.

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"Well, nice to meet you Ashley." she smiled.

"Same here."

"Well," I said clapping my hands together. "I'm gonna go get a drink," Maybe four. "See you around Shane. Melissa."

Shane nodded.

"See you around Ash." Melissa said. "Oh, is it okay if I call you 'Ash'?"

"No." I spun on my heel and made my way to the bar.

I know I've sworn off parties but this is my best friends party. I couldn't just miss it.

And I know I've sworn off drinking alcohol as well.

That's why I'm going to drown my sorrows in Sprite.

The girls and Justin, Brandon and Lance came and sat beside me.

"So..." Lexi started. 

I placed my drink ever so slowly on the counter and gave her a knowing look.

She cleared her throat and averted her eyes from my gaze.

"Please tell me you're here to stay." she continued.

She changed the topic. 

Very smart girl.

"I'm here to stay." I laughed, lightening up the mood a bit.

Everyone seemed to visibly relax.

"Missed me?" a voice asked from behind and I rolled my eyes.

"Not really." Taylor shrugged.

I chuckled.

"I'm hurt." Aiden said sarcastically.

Lexi gave Aiden a hug and he and the guys did a bro handshake thingy.

What? They think they're too manly to hug? 

I shook my head.

Men and their pride.

"Hey birthday girl." Aiden smiled at Kayla.

"Hey." she smiled shyly.

He walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

Her face flushed bright pink.

Did I miss something here?

The two of them walked off without saying a word to us.

"They're so going to get together." Taylor said.

"You get it, girl!" Lexi shouted at them.

Kayla turned around and her expression was of pure horror.

Poor girl.

I'm so embarrassed for her at the moment.

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