Chpt 11: I'm Touched.

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"Oh shit!" I screamed and rolled off my bed.

You would've done the same thing if you woke up and found someone leaning in your doorway, staring at you. And that person happened to be your boyfriend.

"Ashley! Language!" my mother shouted. Wow. I have great parents. They heard me scream but instead of coming to see if I was being murdered or not, they're commenting on my language. I'm blessed with wonderful parents.

"Classy. Real classy." he laughed.

I threw my pillow at his head but he ducked. Dammit.

"By the way, happy birthday Princess." he smiled and walked in my direction.

I was still sitting on the floor. I am way too lazy to get up. He knelt down in front of me and kissed my forehead.

"Now get up, get dressed, we're going out." he said.

"No. I just wanna sleep." I pouted.

"That's no way to spend your birthday."

"Neither is spending it at school and you did that yesterday." I said.

"You are so stubborn." he smirked. He took my hand and pulled me up off the floor.

"Shane I don't want to go out." I whined.

He just rolled his eyes and pushed me to my bathroom. He opened the door and pushed me inside. "Be ready in 30 minutes." he said and walked out of my room.

Today was my birthday and I'm so glad it's Saturday, so I wouldn't have to go to school. Shane had to go to school yesterday on his birthday. Shane's born on the 8th and me the 9th. And we always celebrate our birthday on a Saturday.

And yes. I did call Shane my boyfriend. It's been two months since the dinner party. Shane asked me to be his girlfriend last month. And when the girls found out we were a couple, boy, were they plenty of 'I told you so's' shoved at me. And as for Lucas. He was my first love and I'll never forget that. But my heart belongs to Shane now. 

I put on a cute floral dress and a pair of  flats. I curled my hair and it cascaded down my back. I put on a little eyeliner and lipgloss. I grabbed my purse and strolled down the stairs. I went to the living room to find my parents and Shane laughing till tears were coming out of their eyes. I stood in the doorway and wondered what they could be laughing at. When I realised what they were doing, a little part of me died inside. Oh my God. Kill. Me. Now.

My brother came out of nowhere and slung his arm over my shoulders.

"They brought out the embarrassing pictures?" he asked. I nodded.

"Hey, the worst thing that can happen is after your boyfriend sees those pictures he feels disgusted and wants nothing to do with you. Happy birthday sis." he laughed.

I slapped his arm off my shoulders and glared at him.

"I'm joking." he said and walked into the living room. "No I'm not." he called over his shoulder.

I shook my head and chuckled. My brother is something else.

I walked into the living room and all eyes turned to me. My parents stood up and held out their arms for a hug. I walked closer to them and they pulled me into a hug. 

"Happy birthday Ashley." my mom said.

"Happy birthday pumpkin." my dad said.

"Thanks." I said and pulled back.

"Shane and I are going out, so I'll see you guys later." I told them.

"But we're not finished showing Shane the pictures." my mom grinned.

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