Chpt 14 :From Bad To Worst.

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"Ashley Sarah Mayers!" that's what I heard as soon as I stepped through the door.

Either my mother is really excited that I'm home or the principal called.

I think I'll go with the second one.

My brother patted me on my shoulder. "You're in some deep shit."

"Hey, no cursing!" I scolded.

"I think me cursing should be the least of your worries." he laughed.

We walked into the living room where my mother stood. Her arms folded across her chest and a 'you're in so much trouble' look on her face. My dad was just sitting on the couch looking extremely bored. He's home early today. And I bet he wishes he was at work right now so he wouldn't have to go through this.

"Your principal called." my mother stated.

"Well, I'm gonna leave now." my brother said and began to walk away. He looked back at me and shook his head with amusement all over his face. I rolled my eyes. Ugh. Brothers. 

"I'm very disappointed in you Ashley." she said.

I'm not gonna lie, what she said hurt.

My dad looked at me with a sympathetic look and I gave him small smile.

"I'm really sorry." I said.

"I heard you fought with Nicole, isn't she your best friend? Why did you two fight?" she asked.

"Ex best friend." I said.

"Why did you two fight?"

I'm definitely not telling her about the whole Lucas situation and stuff. 

"Um... she kissed Shane." I mumbled.

"Come again?" 

Ugh. She's going to make me say it again.

"She kissed Shane." I said a little louder.

"She kissed Shane?" my mom and dad shouted at the same time.

"Yeah, and she said that she is going to steal him from me."

"So basically you fought over a boy." my mom said.

"Mom, I-I'm really sorry."

My dad jumped up from his seat with wide eyes and stood beside my mother.

"How could you? After everything I've told you!" she screeched.

My eyes widened at that. I didn't know she would be this angry. My mom doesn't like the idea that I fought over a boy, she doesn't like violence all together. It's because of what happened to her sister. My mom and my aunt lost their parents when they were fourteen. They got into a really bad accident. So my mom and aunt went to live with their aunt. But anyways. The reason she doesn't like that I fought over Shane is because fighting over a guy is exactly how my aunt died. My mom and aunt were really close so when she died my mom was against all violence. Even when we're watching movies and a violent scene comes on she scurries off to her room. You would think after all these years it wouldn't affect her that much but it does. There was a girl who liked my aunt's boyfriend. Actually I think she was obsessed with him. She couldn't stand the fact that he liked my aunt and not her. So one day, she followed my aunt into the bathroom. No one was there but the two of them. They got into to a heated argument over my aunt's boyfriend and the girl stabbed my aunt.

"I'm sorry mom, it's just that-"

"It's just nothing Ashley!" she shouted.

"Victoria, calm down." my dad said.

"No I will not calm down! I can't believe she would be so stupid to do that after all I have told her!"

Tears were now falling from my eyes and I tried my best to stop them but they just kept coming. My dad rushed over to me and hugged me from the side. I know I was probably being immature. But hearing those hurtful things. And from your mom. I just couldn't help the tears.

"Look Ashley, just give me some time to cool off. I'm going to go for a drive." she said.

My father and I nodded. She grabbed her keys and left. After that everything went from bad to worst.

And it was all my fault.

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