Chpt 41: What a charmer

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It has been a week since we have last seen Jacob and I'm glad and slightly terrified. I mean he might be planning something. I threw on a pair of denim shorts, a black halter top and sandals and I decided to leave my hair down. I gave myself a once over in the mirror and ran downstairs, out of the house, into my car and started to drive. Shane's parents were having a family gathering today and Shane wanted to invite all of his friends over and I am really late because I overslept. I mean, it is Saturday and that meant watch TV, eat and sleep. Well, I guess that's just me because I'm boring.  I finished watching Gossip Girl by the way and it was amazing. I also have no idea what to do with my life now it's over. Just putting it out there, Blair Waldorf is my queen. I fell asleep sometime after lunch and when I woke up it was 5:30 p.m. Everyone said they were going to arrive at Shane's at 5:00 p.m. So here I am now at six o'clock knocking on the door of Shane's house. The door swung open and Shane's father stood in the doorway.

"Ashley," he smiled. "So good to see you again, it's been a while." he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Can't... breathe." I choked.

He quickly let go and laughed.

"It's good see you again too, Mr. Carter." I chuckled.

"Come in, come in." he ushered me inside. "Everyone's out back."

We walked through the house. On our way to the backyard, we stopped at the kitchen and Shane's mom was looking around for something.

"Carly." Mr. Carter called his wife. "Our daughter-in-law is here."

I choked on my saliva as those words left his mouth.

Uh, I, I-I'm speechless.

Mrs. Carter turned around with a huge grin on her face. "Ashley, dear, how have you been? It's been a while." She dragged me over to the chairs at the island and we sat down. "Let's just talk before you go outside and we don't see you again for the night." she said.

I nodded.

Mr. Carter leaned up against the side of the counter with a glass of wine in his hand.

The two of them were just staring at me with goofy smiles on their faces.

This is just so awkward.

"Do you want something to drink?" Mrs. Carter asked me.

"Uh, sure." I said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Lawrence get her a drink." Mrs. Carter told her husband.

He handed me some fruit punch and I thanked him.

"So how are you and Shane?" Mrs. Carter asked.

We didn't really confirm if we were back together. I guess all the kissing and stuff is confirmation enough. I mean you don't exactly just make out with someone who is just a friend, right? Right?

I cleared my throat. "Um, we're, uh...nice."

Nice? Really, Ashley?

"Good, good. Just so you know, I'm expecting at least two grandchildren from you and Shane." she smiled.

She just had to say that the same time I took a sip of the juice. I almost spit out the juice but I stopped myself because that wouldn't be ladylike. I swallowed the juice but then ended up having a coughing fit.

Shane's parents just stood there looking very amused. I don't think this is a normal conversation to have with a seventeen year old.

"Mom, where's the pizza?" I heard Shane call.

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