Chpt 1: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody. Part 1

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"Ashley, what do you think?" my friends stared at me awaiting my answer.

"I would rather not get into your conversation about which porn is better." My friends are so weird, like seriously.

"I'm just saying that I like to see-" I cut my friend Nicole off.

"I don't want to hear Nicole." I put up my hand to stop her.

Nicole shrugged.

"Hey Ash, your boyfriend is coming ." Kayla said with a big grin on her face. I looked back and saw my best friend Shane approaching us.

"Oh my God! For the millionth time, we're just friends." I said with an annoyed expression on my face.

"Whatever you say." Taylor winked.

Seriously, I love my friends but they have to quit the "you two would make the cutest couple" crap. We're just friends and besides I like someone else. And it's pretty pathetic if you ask me, because I've been in love with this guy for more than three years. The one and only, Lucas Blake. But the thing is he doesn't love me back. Instead he loves one of my best friends, Nicole. I try not to get jealous because she's my best friend. But it's hard. All I try I just can't seem to get over him. The only one that I've told these things to is Shane. He knows everything about me. He knows more than my friends and my parents. He knows everything, yet he never judges me and is always there when I need him. That's why I adore Shane and value my relationship with him more than anything else.

"Hey girls." Shane greeted us. A bunch of hey's and hi's were mumbled. Shane grabbed my waist and pushed me around on the bench and sat down. Wow.

What great manners he has.

We were at lunch sat under a huge tree. My best friends Taylor, Nicole, Kayla, Lexi and I sit out here every lunch time. Shane comes whenever he feels like it. He usually eats with his friends. I've never really been close with his friends. We just exchange the regular 'hi, how are you?' from time to time.

"We're still going to Austin's party tonight, right?" Kayla asked with her mouth full of food and we all nodded.

"Kayla, don't talk with your mouth full!" Nicole scolded.

Kayla rolled her eyes.

"We're coming over to your house to get ready, Ash." Taylor said.

"I just love how you guys invite yourselves over. Really. I do." I replied sarcastically.

"We love you too, Ashley." Lexi cooed. I gagged at them and they just laughed.

I turned to face Shane. "Are you going to the party?"

"I don't really have a choice now do I? Since you're going, I have to go. You'll need someone to babysit you." he grinned.

I scoffed. "Really? By the end of the night, I'll be the one having to drag your drunk ass home." I smirked.

* * * * * * * *

The girls came over after they grabbed their clothes from home. They were staying over tonight since my parents and little brother were out of town. It was the smartest thing to do in case anyone of us get pretty drunk. For a few hours we just talked, sang at the top of our lungs and fangirled. We finally decided to get up off our lazy behinds and started to get ready.

About an hour later we were all ready to head through the door. Taylor was wearing a fiery red bodycon dress that stopped right above her knees. Nicole was in a grey midi dress. Kayla was in a baby blue open back midi dress. Lexi was wearing a pink strapless bodycon dress that reached mid thigh. I was in a black long sleeve, open back bodycon dress that reached mid thigh and my brown hair was in loose curls and fell on my right shoulder.

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