Chpt 2: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody. Part 2

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I see now why some people turn to alcohol when they are trying to forget their problems. It helps a whole lot. After consuming the alcohol I had a new found bravery.

I was currently dancing with a guy from school. I have no idea what his name is.

"Ashley?" I turned and saw they girls standing behind me excluding Nicole.

"Are you drunk?" Lexi asked.

"As a kite." I grinned.

"What? It's high as a kite, Ashley." Taylor said.

"What kite?" I asked. Where's the kite?

I turned back around and noticed the guy wasn't there anymore. Aw man.

"Look Ash, we should leave, you're too drunk." I heard them say behind me.

I turned around. "You're too drunk." I mocked them. Getting too close to their faces, I think.

"Come on, let's get Shane and leave." Kayla said, grabbing for my hand. "Let's go, Ashley."

I stepped back from them. "Ashley? Ashley's not here. I'm not here. You can't see me." I waved my hand in front of my face and stepped back again. This time I bumped into a guy. "Whoa Nelly. Lo siento, garçon." Wait, what language am I speaking?

I kept walking, pushing my way through the crowd and when I looked back I realised I lost the girls.

Good because I still have a lot of alcohol left in body and a lot of confidence. And the whole night to do whatever the hell I want.

* * * * * * * *

I haven't the slightest clue how I got up here and I don't really care. I stood on top of the kitchen counter, moving my hips to rhythm. I looked down and saw a group of boys surrounding me and cheering. I grinned and took a swig of the drink in my hand.

Is this what it feels like not to worry all the time? I love it.

"Take it off!" One of the boys shouted.

Take what off?

"Show us your tits!" Another one shouted, grabbing at my leg.

The other boys laughed.

"I'll show you my fucking fist, if you don't get your hands off her!" Another shouted. That voice sounded familiar. I looked down to see Shane standing there, glaring at all the guys.

"Shane, my love, how are you?" I said in a horrible English accent.

His eyes snapped to mine and boy did he look angry. "Ashley, get down from there." He said.

I took a swig from my drink and grinned. "Never!" I sang.

I felt two hands gripping my waist and lifting down from the counter. My feet touched the ground and I stumbled a bit but quickly regained my balance.

Shane snatched the drink from my hand and glared at me. "What the hell are you doing?" He growled.

I laughed. "Coblchactylpirewylmbaquilos." I mumbled. What did I just say? I sounded possessed.

Shane angrily ran his hand through his hair. "You're drunk out of your fucking mind."

"Blah blah blah, bleh." I bared my teeth at him. And I continued dancing.

"Hey man, you're holding up the entertainment." One of the guys from before said.

Shane looked back at him and started arguing and took the opportunity to escape. I pushed through all the drunk and hormonal teenagers and stumbled up the stairs to the second floor. I scanned the hallway looking for a bathroom. I finally found one after what felt like hours. Sure I had to open doors to very awkward situations first. Thank God I found it. If I had to see another naked person tonight I swear I would claw my eyes out. I locked the bathroom door behind me and walked over to the mirror. I frowned when I saw my reflection. No wonder Lucas doesn't like me. There's nothing to like. I wanted to cry. But the tears wouldn't come. I let out a bitter laugh. I'm such an ass.

A loud knock on the door broke me out of my reverie.

"Hurry up in there!" a deep voice shouted.

I stumbled to the door, fumbling with the lock for a while before I got it opened. I was all jittery. I swung open the door and came face to chest with... a very tall guy. I look up at him and he wasn't a bad looking guy. I never saw him around school though. He actually looked kind of cute. I mumbled a quick sorry and side stepped to exit but he grabbed hold of my wrist and pushed me back into the bathroom and shut the door.

Alarms were going off in my head and I tried to escape but he pushed me back to the wall. His hands on either side of my head. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away but he was a lot taller and stronger than me. He pinned me to the wall and brought his face extremely close to mine. His breath stink with alcohol. He placed kisses all along my jaw and neck and it felt so wrong. 

"Stop please." I begged. I was so weak. I couldn't push him off and he didn't stop. His hand trailed up my leg and I wiggled, trying to get out of his hold but he pinned me to the wall harder. I feel so violated. I gathered everything I had in me and screamed.

"HELP!" he slapped a hand over my mouth and glared at me.

"Shut up!" he growled.

 A single tear rolled down my cheek. This can’t be happening. He was about to slip his hand under my dress. I tried to get away but it was no use. The tears were now falling freely.

He was ripped away suddenly and was lying on the floor.

With Shane on top, beating the crap out of him. He looked so livid that it scared me. He looked like he would kill him and feel no remorse.

 “Shane!” I screamed and tried to pull him of the guy but I didn’t have the strength. “Shane. Please. Stop!” I tried again, my face wet from the tears.

He looked up at me and I saw the guilt in his eyes. He shouldn’t feel guilty this isn’t his fault.

“Please.” I whispered.

He stood up and looked back down at the guy. The guy was covered in blood  and Shane kicked him in the balls. Hard. The guy was groaning and rolling on the floor in pain. Shane washed his hands under the tap and took my hand and dragged me into the hallway. It’s a miracle that I didn’t fall. I was stumbling the whole way out. He let go of my hand and stood in front of me.

"God, Ashley." Shane sighed and pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tight.

I quickly pushed him away and ran back to the bathroom. I didn't make it to the toilet in time and I ended up throwing up all over the guy who tried to take advantage of me.

He groaned and tried to get up but he seemed to be in too much pain.

"That's nasty but he deserves it. Karma worked fast this time." I heard Shane say.

I looked back and I saw him leaning in the doorway.

"Do you have to throw up some more? And do you need me to hold your hair?" He asked.

"I'm fi-" I stopped myself and quickly crawled over to the toilet, spilling my guts.

I felt Shane behind me rubbing my back and his other hand pulling my hair back.

A few minutes later I was officially done puking and I rinsed out my mouth.

Shane wrapped his arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my temple. "Let's get you home."

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