Daryl had went to find you after a quick shower and stopped walking down the hall when Shane walked out past him. Now he watched you stare down your sister in law before downing more liquor and start towards him. You didn't look up at him expecting him to let you walk past you but he didn't. He steps in front of you making you stop, "Whoa Whoa ya alright?" He asks you looking you over as Lori slinks by past you while you stare her down still with a glare. "M'fine. Where'd he go." You ask angrily staring at the floor unable to look at Daryl because of earlier.

"What'd he do to ya? He try something'?" He asks gruffly anger rising in his voice at the thought of Shane's hands on you. You don't answer and he growls, "I'll kill'm." He says turning to go kill Shane. "Stop." You say and he dose turning back to look at you as you rise your eyes to him. "He didn't touch me." You admit and he looks down still debating knocking Shane on his ass. "Ya sure?" He asks as his eyes finally meet yours. You nod, "Just knocked him off Lori. I handled it." You say starting to let it go underneath his blue eyed gaze.

He nods finally and you sigh before chugging more alcohol feeling the regret from kissing him earlier. "Sorry bout' earlier. I was drunk." You lie after you swallow your mouth full of alcohol looking down. You weren't as drunk then as you are right now. "Don't be." He says and you snap your eyes to him shocked. "You mad at me..?" You half ask now confused and he sighs shaking his head. "Why would I be?" He asks you and you look down tapping the bottle with your fingers subconsciously out of nervousness, "Cause' ya didn't kiss back." You say honestly slowly looking back up into his eyes.

"Shoulda'... wanted to." He says and your eyes widen at this. He wanted to kiss you back? Dose he like you back? You look down under his intoxicating gaze before taking another drink of your alcohol needing to before you said what you were about to say. You grab your dog tags fiddling with them out of nervousness, a habit Daryl was starting to pick up on, "I like you Daryl. Have since I met ya." You say honestly looking back up at him and now his eyes widen at you. He takes a step back looking down as if to process what you'd just said. You keep staring at him, "I thought you felt the same but..." you say and he snaps his gaze back up to you.

He takes another small step back and sighs shaking his head, fuck it, he thought. He takes two big steps towards you pulling your body to him lifting your chin before crashing his lips to yours. Your eyes widen for a second before your eyes roll back closed and your drop the almost empty bottle now forgotten as your hands make their way into his still damp dark hair.

He pushes you up against the wall behind you never breaking the kiss and you smile into him biting his bottom lip slightly wanting more. He groans at this before he slips his tongue in your mouth devouring your moan. He tastes like liquor, smoke, and mint only intoxicating you even more. You suck on his tongue before he pulls back slowly earning you another groan from him. He opens his beautiful crystal blue eyes to stare into your (e/c) ones just as breathless as you are. "Fuck." You say blushing breathlessly as you smile at his smirk and red face as he towers over you.

He cups your face gently searching your eyes for any regret, "Your drunk, ya sure ya want this?" He asks concern in his husky voice. You nod yanking him back down to you by his shirt collar kissing him deeply again. He kisses you back hungry for more as his hands make their way to your ass. He lifts you up swiftly and you wrap your legs around his waist burying your hands in his hair again allowing him to carry you back to the room all the while never breaking your hot make out session. He walks you both in slamming the door behind him with his foot before leaning his back against it as you slide down to stand finally breaking your kiss.

"Your drunk too. You sure-" you start but he cuts you off flipping your positions pushing you up against the door silencing your doubt with his lips. You move your hands up his sides before he grabs your arms pinning them above your head as he starts kissing down your neck.

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