Owari No Seraph AU

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Psycho: I just randomly came up with this. Don't mind me, it made more esne in my head. Also, Naofumi x L'Arc. 

And no one tell my dad, but I'm supposed to be doing homework right now since everyone school here in Denmark is on quarantine, but I'm writing this instead of doing the homework my dad and I agreed that I should do. 


Naofumi was tucking in the younger kids from the orphanage while waiting for L'Arc to come back. L'Arc has been coming back late lately. 

The door groaned as it was opened before closing again

Naofumi went over as saw L'Arc standing at the doorway looking around —probably for Naofumi. 

Naofumi: "And where have you been?" He asked, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms

L'Arc: "Aww, I don't even get a welcome back?"

Naofumi: "Not before you tell me where you've been." He raised an eyebrow at L'Arc

L'Arc: "Uh— Nowhere. I got lost again." 

Naofumi: "And why did it take so long to get back then?" 

L'Arc just smiled at him

Suddenly, the scene morphed into something else. 

In front of him stood L'Arc and all of the other orphanage kids behind him, all of them bloodied and bruised, L'Arc's right arms torn off completely, leaving his white clothes on the right from the shoulder and down to his hip red from blood. All in that damned place!

L'Arc: "Why didn't you save us?" He asked with a smile on his lips but his eyes giving the Naofumi a hating glare

The other kids began asking the same thing

"Nao, why didn't you save us?" 

"You could've saved us, you know?" 

"Nao-Chan we could still be alive if you'd saved us." 

Naofumi out his hands over his ears, trying to drown out the kids and their talking, while he fell to his knees and curled into himself

"It's all your fault we're dead, Nao," L'Arc said

Naofumi's eyes snapped open. L'Arc would never say that. Ever. Even if it was obvious. 

Naofumi: "L'Arc would never say that... He always calls me Kiddo..." He muttered "Who are you? WHY'RE YOU COPYING MY FAMILY?!" He shouted angrily at L'Arc

"What are you walking about, Nao? It's me, L'Arc." He gave NAofumi a smile

Naofumi jumped up and ran over, gripping L'Arc's collar

Naofumi: "Who are you?!" He yelled at L'Arc's face

Suddenly spikes made of shadows pierced Naofumi in his arms, legs, and torso. Naofumi did even flinch. 

"I really thought you would be more fun to play with," L'Arc said with a voice that wasn't his. 

Suddenly everything disappears like dust flowing away in the wind, the kids, shadow spikes and L'Arc included. 

Naofumi stood up properly and turned around, coming face-to-face with a giant dark blue dragon. 

"My name is Ikari." The dragon said

They had some small talk, Ikari explaining that his power was fueled by Hate and Anger, which was perfect for Naofumi with how much hate and anger he had towards the Vampires for them killing his family. 

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