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Psycho: Self-explanatory. I got some inspiration for this from the Manga Uratarou on Manga Rock. I seriously recommend Uratarou for people who can take a bit of gore and want an adventure with a small speck of romance and angst. The MC is a young girl with only one year left to live, she loves life and food and seeks for immortality. She meets an immortal who wants to become mortal and die and they decide to travel together to reverse their lives. It's a really good story in my opinion!

Oh, and this have Naofumi x L'Arc


Naofumi Iwatani had lived many different lives throughout history. He lost count after 105. He had lived for over 3000 years and he couldn't even remember his own age. 

Some people may say that being Immortal is a blessing to be able to live forever. 

But to Naofumi, it was a Curse. He had been born Immortal and his whole village had tried to kill him. He fled and was found by an old couple who took him in despite him being immortal. He loved them like they were his parents and they loved him like their own in return. They died a couple of years later. Naofumi was depressed before he decided to move on, wandering the world and meeting new people, some kind, some cruel. Naofumi fell in love one time. He and his lover had 3 children. All of them died before Naofumi and he had to go through his whole family's death one by one again. From then on, Naofumi decided to distance himself from everyone, not wanting to go through the same pain again. 

Naofumi went through multiple millennia, alone. He isolated himself, mostly reading books and traveling around. 

He tried killing himself and dying multiple times. Nothing worked. o matter how long he swam in lava. No matter how long he stayed underwater. No matter how long he stayed buried underground with no air. No matter how long he stayed on the top of the tallest mountain in the world or how much he froze himself in ice and snow. He just couldn't die. 

Until one day in the year 2019, Naofumi was looking for a Light Novel in a library in the country of Japan. He was looking under a fake identity using his real name. He found a Light Novel he hadn't read before and decided to read it. 

That was until the book began glowing and he was suddenly in a medieval-looking castle. 

Naofumi: "What the...?" He looked around confused 

Naofumi and the three he was summoned with was then explained that they were summoned to this world to save it

Naofumi: 'Huh, guess I'll have something to do from now on.'

Naofumi didn't get any party members the next day because he was the Shield Hero until a red-haired lady stepped up to join him. Naofumi honestly didn't care if anyone joined him or not, he would be fine on his own. Hell, if he didn't feel like being a Hero anymore, he could always look for new ways to try and get himself killed. 

Naofumi didn't even flinch when Myne betrayed him the next day, it had happened before. Nor did he flinch when he was sentenced to death, knowing he would just need to take his head and place it back on his neck. Though when they claimed he had Raped Myne while drunk, he told he couldn't get drunk, after all, he had tried to kill himself via alcohol poisoning, using every single alcohol in his world multiple times with each one, gaining a high tolerance. 

Naofumi didn't even flinch when the blade of the guillotine sliced his neck and everyone cheered. Naofumi waited 13 seconds to let people cheer people deciding to get back up. 

Everyone stilled and stared in horror as the headless body of the Shield Hero stood up, the Shield still attached to his arm. King Aultcray looked in confusion at his people when they abruptly stopped cheering and stared in horror at him, or more specifically behind him. 

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