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Mark and Bambam told Jackson to come in after few minutes and entered the door, the moment they enter, JB called them and told them that he has to tell something to them and they are only waiting for them to join.

When they all settled on the living room, Jackson opened the door, he wore a cap and mask so that no one know about the things happened, he didn't even try to look at the others, he just went straight to his room. The moment the door is shut, everybody turned their attention to Jb, who called everyone and now grinning like maniac.

"What is it, Jb? Why you look so much happy?" Jinyoung asked as he couldn't control his curiosity anymore, when he returned from the work, Jb informed him that he has a good news, but didn't told him anything until, they have everybody. "Well, I went to the company and I got the job." He told still grinning.

"What company? What are you talking about, Jb?" Mark asked confused, everybody looked at him weird, that's when he noticed that he was asking him in English.

"What company are you talking about?" Bambam distracted them before it get more awkward.

"Did you guys forget about that? I already told you right, Team Wang manager called me about the job offering, so, I went to check if that was real, you guys don't even believe how much big that building looked, and from tomorrow I am going to work in there, can you guys believe it?" Jb screamed with joy.

"Really?! That is really Team Wang manager that called you?" Youngjae asked with his bright sunshine smile.

"Yes, if it worked out perfectly, there'll be no problem for us in the future, all of us can go to the college like we wished, our whole life will change totally." Jb told as hope shines brightly on his eyes about their future.

"What job do you gonna do on that big company?" Yugeom asked with his full attention now on Jb.

"They told that I was gonna be one of the coordinator for the hotel they're gonna open here in a week and from tomorrow I am gonna start my training for that." He explained. They all talked about the things happened there until they all fell asleep on the couch and the floor beside each other.

Jackson couldn't even sleep, whenever he closed his eyes things that happened today on the locker room flashed in his vision, and because of his punishment he couldn't get to go to his office, today is the one of the worst days of his life, so he came out of his room, only to see the beautiful view of everyone sleeping while they're cuddling each other. So, Jackson took some pictures of them on his phone, he knew it is not appropriate to took picture like this, but it somehow calmed his mind instantly and they are so cute like this, then he took the blankets from their rooms and covered them and he switched off the light on his way out, once he was out of his dorm, he called his driver, Hendry "gege, can you pick me up on the next street of my dorm?" he asked in Mandarin.

"Gaga, did you start to overwork here too? It is 1am; don't tell me you are going to work in the middle of the night without sleeping." His driver on the other line spoke, but sounded like he was already on his way. These types of conversations were common between them. The people who he is working with always try to take care of himself because Jackson had the bad habit of overworking himself.

"No gege, I couldn't sleep that's why I thought I could use this time to overlook at the files of our new hotel, you know it's opening is in a week." He spoke as he walked towards the destination. When he reached the next street, the car was already waiting for him, after he entered the car, Hendry started to drove off, Jackson slowly took off his cap and mask, already aware of Hendry's eyes on him, through his peripheral vision. The moment he noticed Jackson's bandages the car came to an abrupt stop.

"What happened, Gaga? Did somebody tried to attack you?" he asked as he turned to look at Jackson.

"What are you talking about, ge? Why would anyone tried to attack me? Nobody knows who I am." Jackson laugh, he tried to laugh it off, the whole situation, but Hendry knew Jackson clearly, so he pressed again, "Then what happened?"

"I...I just slipped from the stairs. It's nothing big, ge."

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No gege, it is really nothing that big, my friend already treated it." After some more affirmations, he started the car again.

It maybe some filler chapter but I want to give you guys some break before jumping into another angst chapter and it also like seeing Hendry and Jackson relationship. So yeah...

 So yeah

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Jackson's tease for 100 ways looks awesome 😮😍😍

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Jackson's tease for 100 ways looks awesome 😮😍😍

Thank you for 500 reads 💥


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ