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After everybody went out of the room Mr. Bong turned to them.

"Don't worry; I am not going to hit you or anything. How about this? Tomorrow on my hour I am going to give you two, ten questions, it could be from anywhere, you can't complain about it being out of the syllabus. If you get any of those questions wrong, either one of you, you'll get suspension for each wrong answer a day. If two of you got wrong you'll get two days suspension. Are we clear?" Mr. Bong asked.

Jb accepted what can you call it may be a challenge? He knew there is no way of denying it. He already fixed that he was going to get atleast ten days of suspension. He didn't know anything about Jackson's math skill. As he turned to look at the other to know what his decision was, he also nodded.

Jackson accepted it, is their teacher even asked them their decisions? He just asked them are they clear about the rules, right? If those questions were like he made Jb do, then Jackson has a solid chance of clearing them and he has quite a confidence on Jb too. So, he is not afraid.

When Jackson settled on the bed to sleep, Jb opened the door; usually he will never come in until Jackson is asleep, so Jackson tried to avoid his gaze as he closed his eyes.

"Hey you" Jb called him quite loudly in a silent room. Jackson suddenly sat up on his bed looking at Jb.

"You better solve all the problems correctly. I am not ready to get ten days of suspension with you just because you didn't solve the problems right." Jb told in a stern tone. Jackson just nodded trying not to show his scared expression on his face.

Next day, their math class was the hour before lunch break. Even though Jackson has confidence, he wished that somehow their teacher will forget about yesterday. Well, that does not gonna happen, right? He sighed to himself when he found Mr. Bong looking at their desk. Soon, they were in front of the board as he explained everything about yesterday's deal. Jackson didn't like to make eye contact as nobody in the classroom cares about what happens to him, but he was happy when he found out that, Mark, Bambam and Youngjae shooting thumps ups and smiling at him encouragingly. That made his heart melts.

Then the questions started, the first three were easy as they were senior level but after that the questions were from university level. When Mr. Bong read the fourth question Jb sent a concerned glance towards Jackson's side, but Jackson missed it as he started to solve the problem. Jackson was capable of doing those problems without a problem. some students in the class looked bored as they didn't even know what most characters that are spread throughout the board, some looked in awe as they watched both Jb and Jackson solve the problems, the moment the question was finished even Jinyoung was impressed, with Jackson's math skills. He didn't know much about Jackson, so it is surprising to see that him solving complicated problems.

After they finished all the problems, Mr. Bong looked at them with tight lips as he motioned for them to get to their seats. Jackson turned towards Jb, he doesn't know what he expects but ignorance was not the one. After some moments the bell rang denoting them that it was the lunch break.

That night, he lied on his bed after his shift at the café, thinking about the thing Mr. Bong said before they left the classroom today. Mr. Bong said he'll make sure Jb fail the exam, which they had tomorrow stating that he'll set an exceptionally difficult question paper for him. The score on tomorrow's exam will definitely impact the final grade and knowing that it is a division question paper, where everybody has question paper different from each other was not helping anything. Jackson sighs thinking about everything, what he can do to stop this from happening; soon a light bulb shined brightly on Jackson's head, with that he left his dorm and walked towards school. He didn't see his dorm mates after the practice; he knew they were also concerned over this as they were also there when Mr. Bong said this.

Jb was not scared. He can solve anything; he tried to boost his mind. But he was quite concerned as Mr. Bong already knew what topics are Jb expert in and what are not. If he targeted his weak spot Jb might be fail, which is not good as it can cut off his scholarship. When he entered the dorm it was empty, that second he knew others were up for no good, so he rushed towards school.

Jinyoung decided that he would do anything to get Jb pass on the test, so he decided to go to the school at night to steal, well, that made it sound like crime, maybe took some photo of Jb's question paper. Giving that to Jb, explaining everything and made him study it were the parts he still didn't planned, but he can pull it off. He cheered himself once more before he jumped over the wall into the school campus. Turns out that everybody had the same idea as him, he met with Yugeom and Youngjae first, they are also surprised to see each other, then when they went to the hallway, they met with very starled Bambam, and more calm Mark, near the corner which led to the teacher's office. What Jinyoung didn't expect to see was Jackson inside the teacher's office searching into Mr. Bong's desk.  


They only love me when nobody's around (Jackson X Everyone)Where stories live. Discover now