"Why don't you change into these, I brought them from your closest at home, after all it seems you've lost your suit so we'll have to get you a new one."

Deku nodded gratefully taking the clothing, "Where should I-?"

"Over there." Kurogiri pointed towards the door that Shigarki had come from. His tone soothing and caring.

Deku nodded once more leaving the room in his blanket, self-conscious of the smiling girl staring at him. The room he walked into was a bathroom, he put on the clothing and stared into the mirror. Familiar yet... Something was off. He sighed and turned on the faucet to splash his face. The cold water felt like a slap, as he took a hand full and splashed it onto his nose and into his closed eyes. He did It a few more times then turned the water off. As he dried his face memories started to resurface slowly. One by one. Another one then anther.

Finally, the last memory returned. He was in house arrest talking to Toga. Did she kidnap him? Surely that was the case, it had to be. Deku bet that the heroes were already looking for him. Panic set in as he heard a knock on the door.

"You doing okay?" Kurogiri asked through the wood.

"Yes, I'll be out soon." Deku called back. He looked around in a frenzy. Trying to find something to protect himself with. He could use his quirk but... He was still struggling to with it. He also couldn't stop thinking about why the villains were being so hospitable. Deku's mind pounded to try and keep up with his thinking. It pounded again as a memory that was his but-yet not his invaded his mind. It was silent and still, an image of all might broken begin consumed by a darkness. Another one of these strange memories appeared. It was him yet not him. "I am not a hero." His voice said right before getting ready to attack someone.

Deku's knees buckled and he clattered to the floor. His chest tightened and his breathing quickened. He heard another knocking but couldn't respond over his hyperventilating. The door opened since Deku never locked it.

Kurogiri immediately knelt down and placed a hand on Deku's back, "Listen to me. Concentrate on my voice." Deku looked at him as Kurogiri continued. "breath deeply, you breath is shaking. Can you hold it?" Deku tried but his breathing only quickened. "That's okay, That's okay. Let's try something else cup your hands and breath into them." Deku followed the calm directions but nothing changed. He looked at Kurogiri, eyes pleading and chest begging to breath again. "It's okay to put your hands down, try this follow my breathing and my cues." Deku nodded slightly but it might have been hard to tell with his rocking. "Let's start by breathing in through out noses. Very good. Now breath in, breath out, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale- exhale- inhale- exhale. Good job. Your breathing is slowing that's good. I'm going to match your breathing after that follow my pace." Kurogiri started breathing the same fast pace as Deku then gradually started to slow the breathing down at a pace that Deku could follow. Finally they were breathing at a slow and steady rhythm.

Kurogiri stopped the slow breathing and asked, "better?"

"Yes." Deku managed between slow breathing.

"Is he okay?" Toga tilted her head through the door.

"He should be now but give us another minute."

"Oookay." Toga waved but didn't argue. She didn't want to make anything worse.

After a while the two of them returned to the main room. Everything around Deku felt surreal, the attack he just had didn't help either.

He started looking around and stopped at the automatic clock as more confusion built inside him. The date was off, way off, "That can't be right." He said out loud, "The date is six months off?"


Deku felt like he was in a dream. He felt dizzy, nauseated, and then it came. A wave of pain surged in his eye; it observed a ghost like Toga rushing for him. He moved out of the way, the real Toga followed the Ghost's path missing Deku.

Deku covered his eye, it was causing so much pain this couldn't be a dream. It was something worse, it was reality. Deku began to stumble for the door, weakly clutching his eye which was in unbearable pain. Noir stood in the way.

"Guess it's time for me to use my quirk again."

"Will it work," Toga asks, "or do I need to kill him?"

"It will work, this time probably faster since the connections have already been made. besides they're still pretty Raw. This is the beauty of my quirk. I only give them a little push they do the rest."

"Get away from me." Deku stumbled backwards as Kurogiri grabbed his arms. Stopping his fall while at the same time trapping him. How could they be so nice one moment and trap him the next?

Noir bit his finger until he broke skin. "Just a drop and everything will return to normal."

"Stop. Leave me alone." Deku could see the shadow moving still and the real body following it. There was no escape. 

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