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Hey...hEY...How Ya'Ll DoiNg..........🥺

Little Smut Warning 😳/////

"Before we start I wan't to get one thing clear." Jungkook whispered, his lips still softly pressed against Taehyung's.

Taehyung sighed softly and opened his eyes. Looking into the younger man's brown eyes. 

'I've never seen brown eyes this beautiful'  he though to himself. 

Jungkook stepped back a little. "Baby are you listening to me? We won't get to the good parts if you don't listen." 

"I'm sorry...I'm listening...listening" 

Taehyung was staring at Jungkook's lips as they moved.

"We aren't fucking tonight." 

"Damn you stopped liking me alrea-" 

"Shhh" Jungkook said cutting him off. "What did I say about that...You aren't listening." 

Taehyung pouted and went to sit down on the couch...suddenly he was being lifted from the ground and carried through the house.

"You aren't listening to me baby I don't want to have to punish you. I will if I have to....Do you understand? " 

"Yes...Sorry. I'll listen." 

Jungkook placed him gently onto his bed. Smiling down at the older man as he pouted.

"As I was saying...We aren't fucking tonight...or at least not the first time. This First time...I wan't to make love to you. Do you know the difference?" 

Taehyung shook his head. 

"Don't worry I'll show you." 

When Jungkook began to kiss Taehyung again he let out a sigh of relief. "Now I promised to take care of you so you have to be patient okay baby." 

Taehyung let out a small whine but nodded as Jungkook pulled his shirt over his head.

He gasped as Jungkook's kisses slowly trailed lower and lower. He kissed and sucked forming hickey's scattered around his chest and neck. 

"I don't want you trying to cover these. I wan't everyone to see that you're mine. Do you understand me."

Taehyung nodded. "I can't hear you nod Taehyung...Do you understand me?" 

"Yes" Taehyung said with a light moan. 

"Good boy...Now let's get you out of the rest of these clothes." 

Jungkook slid his hand down to the older's waist line of his blue denim jeans and pulled down slowly. 

Taehyung sighed at the feeling of finally being free from the tight jeans. "Please.." Taehyung pleaded as he tugged at Jungkook's shirt. 

"Patience baby Patience"

A few moment's later. (I don't feel like writing each item of clothing being removed) 

"Are you ready?" Jungkook asked softly as he moved Taehyung's hair from eyes. 


Jungkook moved his hips forward slowly causing Taehyung to let out a gasp and squeeze his eyes shut. 

"Tell me when to move..."

Taehyung took a few deep breaths... 'Holy shit'  he thought to himself. After a few seconds the pain began to ease and Taehyung let out a soft moan. 


Jungkook began to move out and picked up the pace as he went back in.

"Shitt" Taehyung moaned.

"You okay?" Jungkook looked down worried. 

Taehyung nodded as he covered his mouth to muffle his sounds.

Jungkook moved the older's hand from his mouth and looked into his eyes..."Don't hold back." Jungkook placed a kiss and the man's lips. 

"We're just getting started." 

Hey guys and welcome back to my channellllll....today we are going to be talking about how it's perfectly fine if ya'll  want to beat my ass since I haven't updated in almost a whole month....I promise I will start updating again.....I've been out of school for two weeks now...and then another two weeks was just added onnnn so I have no excuse not to update (I miss schooollll....and I hate that I actually said that 😫) Stay safe everyone, Fuck CoronaVirus, and Thank you for reading ☺️☺️

and I hate that I actually said that 😫) Stay safe everyone, Fuck CoronaVirus, and Thank you for reading ☺️☺️

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