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"J- jungkook?" The frog in my throat grew only by speaking his name. 

Jimin and Jungkook both snapped there heads towards us. I guess now they were finally out of whatever trance they were in.

"Oh Shit" Jungkook said scrabbling away from Jimin, covering his naked body with his limbs.

"Oh shit? Really?" Yoongi said throwing a punch that landed right on Jungkook's eye Immediately making a red bruise appear. Jungkook fell back and slammed against the counter that we had found them fucking on.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, it just happened" Jimin said panicked trying to get Yoongi to not walk away.

"Don't fucking touch me Jimin." Yoongi said shrugging him off. "That's really all you have to say? It just fucking happened?"

"I'm sorry, Yoon." Jimin stood with tears falling down his face.

" You know what Tae come on." Yoongi said to me. "You two enjoy the food we brought, if we had known you had a guest we would have gotten him something he likes to eat. Y'all must have worked up a fucking appetite. You two have fun with whatever... the fuck this is. Jimin, consider us broken up, delete my fucking number. I'll be coming by to pick up all my shit or you can just burn it. Jungkook, go fuck yourself" Yoongi said calmly as he walked out.

"Thanks for doing the exact thing you said you wouldn't" I said to Jungkook as I followed yoongi. "Jimin I-" and with that I left.

The car ride with Yoongi back to my house was silent and sad.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked Yoongi when he pulled up into to the curb.

"Nope, I'll be fine. Do you want to talk about it? Because I'll talk about it if you need too."

"Nope, I don't want too. It feels like it will make it all too real you know?"

"Yeah I get you." Yoongi said sadly as he tapped the steering wheel.

"Did you love him?" I asked Yoongi after a second.

"I do love him. I kind of hate myself for it, I hate that even after finding them like that; I just want to go over there and forgive him, and hug him, and ju-" I heard him sniff and I noticed tears on his face in the light.

I took off my seat belt and leaned over to hug him.

"I'm sorry" he said wiping his eyes with the back of his hands.

"Don't be sorry, just let it out."

With that Yoongi broke down into a fit of sobs. I hugged him tighter even though the seat divider was jabbing into my side.

"I really fucking love him Tae."

"I know, shhhhh, it's okay." I said rubbing his back in comfort.

"Do you love him?" Yoongi asked me after he got himself together and I sat back in my chair.

"I-" I paused for a second, thinking. "I think I do, I just- I didn't realize how much until I saw them and my heart felt like it shattered in my chest."

Yoongi sighed. "I didn't think I'll be able to face him again Tae. I cant go over there. I'll break, I'll forgive him too fast."

"I can go for you, Tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely, maybe I can get some answers for the both of us."

"Yeah maybe you can." Yoongi chuckled.

"What's funny."

"We both said we didn't want to talk about it and then we did."

I chuckled lightly and sighed.

"Thanks for this, this talk. I needed this or else I would have gone home and broken down alone." Yoongi said with a smile.

"Anytime" I said getting out of the car. "I used to think you were the worst but you're actually pretty cool."

"I don't know if I should say thank you to that" Yoongi laughed.

"Don't worry it's a compliment. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah" he said and I closed the door and walked up to the house. When I heard the car pull away from the house that's when the tears started to fall.

"What's the matter? Who did it? Who the fuck I need to fight." Hobi asked me from the couch as soon as I got in the house. I was surprised he was still there because his house got finished being painted two days ago.

He got up and walked over to me and wrapped me in a big warm hug that I really needed at the moment.

I needed someone to comfort me instead of me doing the comforting.

I'm not going to be able to update Wednesday so here's a early update enjoyy

Snatched | TaekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora