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"Can you please just tell me where we're going?" asked Tae after they had left his house. He had begged Hope to tell him where he's being taken but to no avail.

"Can you let me drive?" 

"Can you at least tell me how long we're going to be there? You know my birthdays in a couple of days." Tae smiled gently thinking of all the things he had planned for his big day.....even though every day was his big day. 

"For a couple of days" 

"Son of a bi-" 

"Language baby" Jungkook said smugly not even looking in the passengers' direction.

"BaByyy?" Tae laughed. "Bitch I ought-" 

"Language" Said Jungkook cutting him off again.  

Taehyung slumped back in his seat, crossed his arms, and pretended to look angry as he stared out at the road ahead. Though a small smile crept on his face. He had missed Jungkook. He missed their little games of fake loathing and mean words. The way they could joke around with each other but were still able to have a serious conversation when needed. He had gotten better at talking to him now that his secret was out. Now that everything had been brought to light. Taehyung knew that it would take some time to sort out what he actually wanted....but somehow he knew that Jungkook would accept whatever his choice was. (Not without a fight of course😏)

"I missed this" said Tae suddenly. He paused thinking for a second. "I've missed you" 

"Yeah me too." Jungkook smiled his eyes still on the road. "and of course you miss me I would miss me too"

"anddddd...moment ruined" Taehyung laughed. 

I kinda didn't want to do a Christmas chapter really.....Ik I said next chapter would be on or near Tae's birthday ( well I didn't actually say it but you get it)   well I thought I'd do a little filler chapter before the birthday chapter, which might be a little bit long, just to hold you over.... and it's almost the end of Christmas so why not. anyway see you next time 

~A bad bitch but a corny bitch 💅💍

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