I was afraid of letting go of you, but ...

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Felix passed his 3 exams with no problem. The only one left was Chan's.

Felix made it home to see Chan was also home early, greeting him in the living room as he typed away at his computer.

"Oh, hey Lix" he greeted Felix as the boy walked through the door.

"H-hi Channie..."

Chan turned his head to him as he continued to type.

"I'm typing up the exam, so you can't be in the same room as me Lix" he said with a small chuckle .

Felix gave a tired smile back.
"That's fine, I'll be in my room studying for it" .
He said as he walked to his room, only for him to be stopped as Chan called for him.

"Oh wait Felix" Chan got up as he walked closer to the younger. Felix turned around as Chan pulled him into a hug.

"I didn't hear from you after I texted you today. Your exams go ok?" He questioned as he took Felix's hands in his.

"Y-ya, they were ok" he said trying to smile again.

"Ok, good! Well I'll let you go study, I promise I won't make the exam too hard. " he chuckled before kissing Felix on the forehead. Felix nodded as he turned around to go in his room closing the door.

Chan had stood there staring at the door.

He let out a sigh as a spoke to himself.
"Soon Chan... soon just a little more time...."


The next day Felix was dreading taking Chan's exam, he didn't want to be in the same room as him still. If he was for too long, those catastrophic thoughts about their relationship would come back. And as he told himself before, he wanted to deal with that after his exams.

That morning, they both arrived a little earlier than expected to campus. Chan needed to print last minute copies of the exam, so Felix just sat at the back of class until the other classmates showed up.
Soon everyone did, and Chan had announced to start their exam.

Of course Felix has no problem finishing Chan's exam, he was actually the first one done. He grabbed his bag and walked to the front of the class to hand his paper to Chan.

"Thank you Felix, it has been quite a pleasure to have you this semester. I will post the grades later" he said with a smirk.
Felix could only feel his face heat up on how overly formal Chan was being.

"T-thanks Dr. Bang, it was um.. a pleasure for me too. Have a good day" he said with a blush as he scurried out the room.

Chan watched him go out the door before pulling out his phone.

To Felix❤️:
I'll see you at home later cutie, I know you definitely passed. So I'll make sure you get a reward 😉❤️

Felix was walking out the building as he heard his phone go off. Once he opened it to see what Chan sent, he became so flustered he almost dropped his phone.

To Channie:
Um... should I be happy or scared? Lol

Just as he was about to put his phone away, Chan replied instantly.

From Channie:
Whatever you want to be, baby boy 😏

Chan was internally laughing as he knew he was getting Felix flustered on the other end.

Just a few more hours Felix....

Felix still had mixed emotions. Chan was being his usual self, but he couldn't get that night of what he heard on the phone out of his head. Now that he was finally done with exams, he was going to confront Chan , force the truth out of him even if it meant his heart would be broken.

Whatever the truth is... at least I was happy for a while....

Felix wasn't sure if the phrase " all good things must come to an end" applied to him or not. Whatever it was, he would face it with eyes wide open.


Since that was his last exam, Felix went back to the house to take a nap, waiting for Chan to come home to talk to him about what he heard. He slipped back into Chan's hoodie and sweatpants getting under the covers. He breathed in the scent of Chan that was left on the pillow and sheets.

I've missed this...

Felix wasn't gonna lie, even though he's been distancing himself from the older, he was going insane without his touches. Missing his scent, his hugs, his kisses, everything. Thinking of him made Felix drift off to sleep.

He had been studying so much and stressed, he slept for hours until Chan finally came home that evening. Waking up once he heard the door open and Chan call his name.

"Lix? Baby, I'm home!" He yelled as he set his bag down to look for the boy.

Felix stretched his arms before getting up to go greet Chan.

"There you are baby, were you sleeping?" Chan asked as he pulled Felix into a hug.
"I've missed you all day, especially this past week. I haven't had my Lixie as much as I wanted" he teased.

Felix giggled against his chest before finally pulling away to look at him.

"I'm sorry, blame school" he joked.

"I know, I know. I'm just kidding. Speaking of school, a certain someone passed my exam with flying colors FYI" Chan said as he slid his arms around Felix's waist.

"What?! You're serious?!" Felix yelled.

"Would I lie to you?" Chan joked.

As soon as he did, it reminded Felix of what he needed to confront Chan about. The younger became suddenly quiet.

"Chan.. we need to talk...."

Chan became serious as well.
"I think so too, I need to tell you something"

I knew it...

Uh, this book is ending soon btw

Also, I watched that weekly idol episode where they had the dance off, and Chanlix were the last ones. Then the MC said they had the most stamina...

It got me thinking I may need to write longer smut sessions 💀 lmao

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