I've never even doubted

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To: Changbin
Where you at man?

From Changbin:
At the school library, wbu?

From Felix:
Just finished my dumbass class, I'll come meet you.

From Changbin:

Felix smiled, knowing he was on his way to meet his best friend Changbin. Changbin was the opposite of him, very studios but still chill. He always wondered what would happen if he put in more work into his studies, that thought rarely lasted more than a few seconds though.

He made his way over to the student library, looking for the older. He spotted him in one of the private study rooms, walking his way in.

"Hey Changbin, how's studying?" He joked.
"Hey Lix, uh, it's going I guess. Biology is hard as fuck, but I love it".

Felix let out a laugh, " Ha, thats ironic. Too bad I don't have that much energy to give a fuck about my shit"

"You know, you probably should Lix. I know you hate your major and the school, only because your parents forced you. But I think if you tried, you'd like it and be great like them. They see you are capable of becoming one" Changbin spoke sympathetically.

"Oh so now you're on their side? What about me and what I want? They just dropped me into this shithole because they're paying for it, just like they did with everything else all my life. Boring ass political classes, sports, seminars. I hated all that shit! They did it because it's what they wanted, not me! You know damn well I would have majored in dance and art if I had the money" Felix angrily spat out.
Changbin saw he was getting heated, so tried to dissolve the situation.

"Look Felix, I'm not taking anyone's sides. I'm just saying they see potential in this field for you, that's all. All I'm saying, is it won't hurt for you to put in a little effort, or for easier words, don't be an asshole to the professors".

He knew Felix was rebellious since a teen, fighting with people all the time. Getting suspended, but his parents bailed him out by paying off the teachers. Only thing was, his parents never actually took the time to understand his bad behavior. It worried Changbin since they knew each for so long, but there was only so much he could try to help Felix with...

Felix scoffed, " Sure, I'll become besties with Dr.Bang" he sarcastically said while pretending to gag.

Changbin laughed ," Wait you have Dr.Bang? Dude I heard he's nice as fuck. AND he's good looking too".

"Uh uh, we aren't going there. Sure he's decent looking, but I'm not gonna sexualize him. That would mean I actually like the class and him. That's a hell no for me".

"Mmhmmm, just gonna be a matter of time" Changbin teased.

Felix rolled his eyes, growing tired of Changbin and his jokes. " Anyways, I'm gonna go skip sociology and pass out. See ya Changbin".

"How privileged you get to be with your paid apartment to pass out to, while I get a loud ass dorm" Changbin joked.

Felix turned his head on his way out, sticking his tongue out. " See, I put effort into something. Sleeping should be my major" he said before heading out.
Changbin now alone again in his study room mumbled to himself shaking his head, " Dr. Bang, I'll pray for you..."

Felix made his way back to his apartment, at least his parents paying for that was useful. He had the entire place to himself. He went inside and threw his bag on the floor somewhere. Making himself comfortable, he change into sweatpants and got into his bed ready to pass out as he said. Within minutes he was already asleep.

Around 8 pm, his phone went off. He slowly stirred, realizing how long he slept he shot up to grab his phone. He just saw a few notifications.

2 messages from Changbin
1 Campus announcement
1 message from mom
1 email

He rubbed his eyes slowly , still waking up. Looking at his screen again, he noticed an email. He never gets emails, so he decided to open it.

From: Dr. Bang

Hello Felix, regarding our conversation today. Please remember to review the assignment as there will be a quiz tomorrow and a discussion based off of the topic. I have faith you will put in the upmost effort into this.


Dr. Bang

"The Fuck? The Fucker really had the nerve to email me this shit to do. Fuck that! I ain't doin shit. Maybe tomorrow he'll get the message to leave me the fuck alone".
Felix wasn't sure why, but Chan was getting under his skin. Which rarely happens.


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