"Problem Ed?" Andrea asks after looking at you standing and staring at him. "Nothin' that concerns you. Outa focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." He says and you cut your eyes at him. He needed to be knocked down to size you think angered by his comment. You were about to snap back at him before Andrea started up towards him with aggression in her body language.

"Tell ya what Ed. You don't like how your laundry's done, you can pitch in and help. Here." She says hatefully as she throws a half washed shirt at him. He caught it as it flopped against his chest, "Ain't my job missy." He says throwing it back at her harder making her gasp. She clearly was getting mad at him even though him throwing it back scared her, "What is you job Ed? Sitting around on your ass smoking cigarettes all day?" She snaps back while you start to walk forward.

This wasn't gonna end well by the look of his face. "Well it sure as hell ain't listenin' to some uppity smart mouthed bitch." He says looking to Carol, "Come on. Let's go." He says dangerously as his eyes cut at her daring her to say no to him. "Back off Ed." You say just as dangerously as you step in front of Carol who was already standing about to walk off with him. "I said ain't none of your business! Come on now, ya heard me." He says staring you and her down as Andrea begs her not to go.

"Hey don't think I won't knock you on your ass just cause' your some collage educated cooze alright?" He threatens Andrea and you ball your fists gritting your teeth refraining from knocking his ass out, "Now you come on or you'll regret it later." He yells at carol pointing to her but you stand your ground not letting him past you. "So she can show up with fresh bruises tomorrow Ed? Yeah. We've seen them." Jacqui comments making Ed chuckle as dangerously as his eyes looked.

"Stay outta this. Ain't none of y'alls business. You don't wanna keep prodding the bull here okay? Now I'm done talkin'. Come on!" He demands as he reaches past your body to forcefully grab Carols arm as everyone try's to protest. You snap hitting his hand off her and shoving Carol back behind you into the girls who catch her pulling her to them. "Back off!" You yell shoving his chest hard, harder than he thought you could because he stumbles back barley catching himself.

"The hell you think your doin' bitch!?" He questions angrily about to step back towards you but you beat him taking at strong step. Your stern face makes him stop for a second, "Touch her again like that. I dare ya." You growl at him which only fuels his rage farther not liking you threatening him. He chuckles darkly before stepping towards you quickly attempting to throw a sloppy punch at you.

Dogging it was easy allowing you to dig your feet into the ground as you grab his shoulders nailing him in the stomach with your right knee knocking the wind out of him before you land a punch to his right cheek harshly. He stumbles back coughing as you step uneasily back to stand in front of the women protecting them and a already crying Carol. Your right leg wasn't healed still and the running earlier today definitely didn't help definitely now that you slammed it into this bastard. Gritting your teeth you ignored the shooting pain in your right femur as you stand strong watching him cough trying to regain his breath you'd knocked out of his lungs.

He growled spitting the blood from his mouth before he went to run at you even though you never took your eyes from him. You brace ready to take his hit and when he tackled you, you easily rolled him over you tossing him flat onto his back but not before he elbowed your jaw on the left side. Rolling up you didn't even see Shane start to drag Ed away from you and the other woman. Amy helped you up and you patted her hand as Shane started beating Ed's face in.

You started towards him ignoring your leg that was throbbing, "Walsh! He's had enough!" You yell as he hit an already gasping Ed three more times. If he kept it up he'd beat him to death. "You put your hand on your wife, your little girl or anyone else in this camp again I will not stop next time! You hear me? I'll beat you to death Ed!" He yells in his face giving one final harsh blow, "I'll beat ya to death!" He says again forcing himself up off the bloody gurgling man on the ground and Carol rushes to him sobbing out apologizes.

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