19. Mysterious

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V rolls a photography magazine to use as a telescope

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V rolls a photography magazine to use as a telescope. He sees the mysterious woman again. She always appears near places for their photo shoot. He has seen her few times.

Jin is too nervous during the shoot, he never notices her presence. Or maybe because more and more women coming to see their photo shoot process. He just ignores them all.

To say Jin has become a popular guy is understatement. Now he has thousands of followers in IG. Only needs few hundreds more to defeat Mingyu.

Jimin has sent the CCTV records to some TV stations.

A local TV station has broadcasted Mingyu's brutality to Irene when they broke up at a high end restaurant in Seoul.

Mingyu's parents have been able to sue them. The company has to print huge apology letter in various newspapers (the headline section).

The damage has been made. More and more victims from Mingyu's past brutalities are giving statements in YouTube or other social media. Even his rich parents couldn't shut them up.

The world has known him as the biggest bully from Korea. That's the power of social media. His parents tried hard to suppress them. Hard to conceal the truth anymore. The cat is out of the bag.

Mingyu kept losing supports and popularities in Sharon Rose University.

Students aren't afraid of him anymore. They are studying hard and strive for good grades. For the first time in years, the scores are increasing. More students achieve perfect scores during exams.

Jin isn't the only smart student in his class anymore. Even the teachers smile brightly when they are teaching in classrooms.

People are greeting Jin whenever he walks in Campus. He is like their local hero.

V is walking with Jin. They just got back from their latest photo shoot. Suddenly he sees her again. This time he isn't going to let her escape again.

He silently follows her. She stops walking and then turns around.

She asks, "Are you following me?"

"I don't think so. You are the one who follow us," claims V.

"No. I'm not."

V smiles when he asks, "You have showed up in five photo shoots. Coincidences? Don't think so."

He has never seen someone like her. She kept using weird hats to cover her head. Ugly looking hats. Oversized sweat shirts. It's like she doesn't care about her appearances at all.

His past girlfriends are fashionable ones. This woman raises his curiosity. What kind of a woman would dress so ugly.

She protests, "I just went with a friend. She is a big fan of him."

"Oh, I think you are lying. You are always alone. I haven't seen you with someone else. Never talk with anyone at each photo shoot."

"That's because I talk with them in telepathic ways."

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