13. Made up her mind

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Jin inhales a deep breath after he changes his clothes into pajamas. He missed his oversized tee-shirt and worn out jeans. The pajamas is the most comfy clothes he has at this moment.

Maybe Jungkookie has some spare extras. He always wears oversized tee-shirt like me.

He is going to knock when he hears, "Nope. Not like that. You are a cat, Suga. Act like one. Give me your paws. Good. The other one. Excellent."

Jin takes a peek. Suga is wearing the full body suit to make the game. He smiles when Suga is imitating a cat.

RM is right. No one could have asked grumpy Suga to act that way. Only Jungkookie.

Jin walks away. He decides not to disturb them.

Suddenly his phone rings. Jin picks it up.

"Are you crazy?" yells Jisoo in her loudest volume of her voice.

Jin's ear is ringing for a while. He puts the phone further from his ear.

"Mingyu is the Hyundai successor! He has filed a complaint to the Dean! You could loose your scholarship! Everything you have worked for would be nil..."

Jin sighs. He has lost his temper. It doesn't happen often.

"Sorry. He got into my nerves. I'll talk to the Dean immediately."

Jin sighs. He stares to his clothes. It seems he has to change again.

Jin has seen him in his way to the Dean's office. It looks like he has been waiting for him.

Mingyu sneers when Jin walks past him.

"Good luck, bum. Go back to the street where you belong."

That's all he said before he spits to the ground.

Jin ignores him and he just keep on walking.

Mingyu asks, "Hey! How dare you ignore me?"

Jin turns around to face him.

He asks, "What gave you rights to bully others? Your wealth? Your parents are the rich ones, not you."

"Your brain? The other students let their grades slide so they won't be bullied. You aren't that smart, Mingyu. Just average," adds him.

Mingyu tightens his fists. Jin puts on his best fighting pose. Finally Mingyu loosens his fists.

He mocks, "You are nothing but a street bumpkin. I'm wasting time with you."

"Glad you realize it, Your Highness. Go back to your usual high end crowds."

Jin is leaving when Mingyu throws him a rock. It hits his head precisely and makes his head bleeds.

He turns around and he just stares Mingyu. He ignores his bleeding head.

"You're testing my patience, Mingyu."

His cold stare makes Mingyu shudders and leaves the spot.

Jin knocks before he enters the Dean's office.

The old gentleman raises his eyebrow when he sees blood is dripping from his head.

He asks, "What happened?"

"A brat."

The Dean shakes his head. He joints his hands together before he coughs once.

"Listen, Kim SeokJin. About your scholarship..."

"Revoke it if you had to. I don't care. I'll pay the fee tuition here. In full amount."

The Dean looks surprised.

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