Chapter 36

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"Have you found something?" Evie asked reading a fourth useless book about magic.

"Nope." Mal buried her face in a book. "Guys?"

"Still nothing."

"Okay, we got every single book that was in that shop. Why is this all useless?" Mal sighed.

"Maybe Hades tricked us." Carlos replied.

"He would never do that." Evie said.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. This is our dad we're talking about." the blue-haired girl responded pointing at herself and her sister.

"No, this is a dangerous villain with a past we're talking about."

"How could you say this Carlos?!" she exclaimed.

"Am I wrong? Have we found anything we don't know yet?"

"What's up with you? You would never talk like that!"

"Okay guys both of you stop!" Jay said.

"Why Jay? We're away from the life we had, not knowing anything about the thing we need."

"Carlos, shut it! We're at a freaking motel where the walls are thinner than cardboard, so if you don't want the people from the nextdoor room coming here and fainting too because of what they saw be quiet. We'll be on the news, it'll become official. We can't just go somewhere for everyone to see." Mal hissed.

"You're right Mal. I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to shout like that. Sorry Evie."

"It's fine. I apologize too."

"We never shouted at each other like that. What is going on and why aren't we the core four who is always there is anyone of us needs help?" Jay asked

"We're all just freaking out aren't we? You know what it's been a long day, we can continue this tomorrow. Now, everyone come for a group hug." the purple-haired girl said.

"What about the visions you're having and Maleficent trying to warn you?" Evie asked.

"We'll do this as soon as we can, but that doesn't mean we can't get some rest."


The next morning

"Wait, what if we don't have to get my mom here? What if we can go to her?" Mal said.

"I don't get you." Jay told her.

"M, you don't mean going to the past, right?"

"Well, E, that's the only thing I can think of."

"But, it's dangerous. Even Dragon Hall students know how much. And they're right. Hello, the butterfly effect."

"What is the butterfly effect?" Carlos asked.

"Apparently, someone wasn't paying attention to the teachers back on the isle. It says if you change the past, you drastically change the future." Mal explained.

"Ooh, that thing. Thought it was useless back then."

"So, what are we doing?" Jay interrupted.

"E, do you...?"

"I don't want to, but there's no way I'm letting you go alone."

"What about us?"

"Well..." Mal made a spell. The boys' clothes have changed and they had wigs on. " You'll make sure no one comes in."

"You just don't want to take us."

"I would've said no, but you know me way too well."

"Okay, what do we do?"

"If anyone comes in you say you're a father and son and you needed a holiday." Evie told them.

"And then you kick them out." Mal added.

"Mal!" the blue-haired girl said.

"Alright, you gently tell them to leave and if the don't then you kick them out."

"Wait, what if you get stuck in the past?"

"Just pray it won't happen."

Descendants 5: Life's sweeter than we thoughtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora