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OMG this is a update. (even though is only a A/N, it still needs to happen.) It has been so long since I have updated this book, but I have been busy with school, work, and starting a new book called arrowverce one shots. If you haven't already check it out. And request one shots for that book, because I'm starting to lose Ideas for it.
So because of CORONA VIRUS my school is giving us the following week off. This means on Monday and Tuesday it will be like a snow day. And on Wednesday Thursday and Friday I will have online classes. But the week after that I have off for the week because of spring break.
So what does this mean for you guys, the readers? Well this means I will be able to write and update more for both this book and my other book, and arrowverce one shots again if you haven't already check it out. I do not mean to sound like the corona virus it not a bad thing because it is I would like to I'm sorry if you personally or someone may know has or has lost someone due to this virus. That all for this A/N

RISE OF THE HEROSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang