chapter 13

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Word count: 1286

When kara and Clarke got back to the watchtower they were greeted by j'onn.

"Clarke good to see you again."

"Good to see you again too j'onn, just wish it was under better conditions."

"Same here. I just called everyone in here, we have no lead again on where they are."

"So looks like we're going to have to fight it." kara said with a sigh.

"Hey super douch how are doing?" Alex asked as walked in.

"Good, I still don't know why you started calling me that."

"Because you left your 13-year-old cousin on my front porch even though you were the last and only real family she had at the time. But you know who cares." Alex said with a small smile.

"Alex we talked about this."

"I'm only joking, I mean I did get what I always wanted out of it."

"A sister?" laurel asked.

"Nope. a puppy, just didn't realize it at the time," Alex said causing everyone to laugh and kara to pout.

"Wait, Sara, that kinda sounds like the person your dating." barry said with a smile causing Sara and kara to sigh while everyone else just laughed harder.

"Oh you clueless, clueless boy." iris said patting his back.

"Maybe we should get back to the problem at hand and get back to barry being clueless later," Oliver suggested.

"Probably a good idea," Clarke said.

"Go so we know that they plan to unleash another doomsday. But when?" iris asked.

"Do you guys know if there's any big event going on anytime soon?" Ray asked.

"No I can't think of-" "kara your award ceremony is tomorrow," Alex said, cutting Lena off.

"Wait what award ceremony?" laurel asked.

"I completely forgot about it, with everything going on it just slipped my mind." kara said.

"It understandable, but what award? And wouldn't something like be held inside?" Sara asked.

"She's winning the Pulitzer because of the article she wrote last year about alien discrimination and agent of liberty, and we are holding it outside because it's supposed to be a really good day weather-wise," Lena said.

"I don't know how I forgot, Lois was asked to be there, she was so excited that you won and looking forward to being able to cover it for you."

"1. Congratulations, 2. How many people in your family report? Like just a show of hands." thea said. At that, both kara and Clarke rose their hands.

"The daily planet is actually where Lois and I met."

"Look you have to get Lois to stop from going there." kara said.

"We have to cancel the whole thing. We just cant willing know what's going to happen and let innocent people get hurt." lean said.

"Yeah but this might be the only way to be able to stop Cadmus for good," Alex said.

"Why would they make a day where a reporter is getting an award?" Nyssa asked.

"Because they no I'm supergirl, there doing it so that way I have no choice but to expose my self to the whole world."

"Now we have to cancel it," Sara said.

"Maybe not. They don't know we know what their plan is." j'onn said. "I can go in as kara and kara you watch from the sky as supergirl. And then we have everyone in positions"

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