-Chapter Thirteen-

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*Kokichi's POV*

I was just about to walk home, I said my goodbyes to Shuichi. After my long and amazing night with him and all of DICE, I gave Saihara the biggest hug and began my venture back to my dorm. I didn't get too far before I was called back. Naturally, I wasn't expecting it, so I immediately walked back towards him. There I stood right in front of Saihara when he firmly grabbed my waist and pressed his lips passionately against mine and kissed me. My whole body felt like it was flying and I was full with ecstasy and joy. My body melted into his and we began to become one as our lips intertwined with each other's. I feel in love with him even more and I never wanted us to be apart in this moment. The kiss only grew stronger, with Shuichi pulling my closer and begging for more. I continued to kiss back fulfilling Saihara's requests. After a minute of this heavenly kiss, he pulled away from me gasping for air. I took this time to catch my breath myself and as I did, I was dragged into his dorm. Saihara picked me up bridal style and carried me into his bedroom and placed me gently on his bed. He jumped over me to the opposite side of the bed and sat down facing me. "Ouma look, I don't know what's gotten into me tonight, but I can't stand control myself. I just wanna keep kissing you and I never wanna stop. I don't know what this feeling is, but I don't want you to leave. I just want you in my arms with your lips pressed against mine. So please say you'll stay." Saihara  spoke up. I stood up and began to take off my overalls and you could only imagine the look on his face when he saw me. Now that I stood in front of him in my boxers and I quickly reached into his drawer and grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped them on before hopping back into the bed with him.

       "Saihara, just shut up and hold me close. That's all I ask" I said back to him as I pulled the blanket over the two of us and sunk into his arms. He carefully lifted me to his strong grip and flipped the lights off. I laid comfortably in his arms and pulled his face close to mine and gently kissed his lips. As we kissed, Saihara slipped his tongue into the mix and soon I did the same. Our tongues danced together in a simple harmony, perfectly in tuned with each other. This make out session continued at this pace for the next five minutes until I pulled away. Today had went like a dream and as much as I'd love to continue this, I was too tired to stay awake. "Shu-Shu, I'm tired, can we go to bedddd." I quietly whined as I buried my face into his chest. Once I said that, he nodded his head and cuddled me into his warm embrace. Shortly after he laid a final kiss on my head and we both fell asleep in a loving cuddle session.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

             The sound of the alarm sprung me out of bed and right out of Shuichi's embrace. Shit I forgot we have school; I thought to myself as I began to search Saihara's room for clothes to wear to school. Not too far behind me, the man himself turned off the alarm and got out of bed.  Soon he was behind me and he wrapped his hands around my waist and joined me in my search for clothes for the both of us. After looking for all of five minutes, we settled on matching outfits; black overalls with white t-shirts. We figured it would just be simple that way, so I ran to the bathroom to get changed. Once I was in there, I quickly ran Saihara's brush through my short purple curls and slipped on my clothes of the day. Now that I finished doing what I had to, I spray myself with his spray and stepped out of the bathroom. Shuichi walked in after me, but not before he gave me a kiss on his way in. While he was in there I put on my shoes from last night and took some time to think. What changed in Saihara to make he act this way towards me; I didn't know he was gay or bisexual to say the least. And even so, why did he like me? Im just a gay orphan with poor social skills and ten adopted parents. Okay, maybe I see why now. I was knee deep into going deeper into my thoughts before the bathroom door opened up and out came Shuichi. "Ready to go Ko? I wanna grab a coffee before we get to class." He asked as he looked at the clock showing that it was only 6:30. I nodded my head and walked towards the door and grabbed my keys and skateboard. Right behind me, Saihara followed and we headed toward my dorm. It was a short walk, but it felt like an adventure as we held hands walking through campus. Once we hit my dorm, I unlocked the door, threw my skateboard in, grabbed my book bag plus two bottles of coffee from the fridge, and locked the door back up.

I threw a coffee to Shuichi and he chuckled back to me. "This isn't what I meant by coffee, but I'll take it for now. This just means we'll have to go on a date after school." My face turned a deep shade of red as I struggled to get out the word "okay". We walked on and soon found out way early to school. So now, we sat in class with 15 minutes early, with none other than Keebo and Gonta. Both of us made light conversation with the boys as our fellow classmates flooded in the room, one after another. And just like that the bell rang and school went on. I'll spare you the boring details of my school day and just say that I learned some shit and held hands with Saihara at lunch. Now that school was finally over, Shuichi reached for my hand and I gripped it back as we headed on our short "hike" back home. As we walked, Kaito and Maki came from behind us and joined us. "Woahh, you two are holding handsss, does that mean you're dating?" Kaito practically yelled in a state of shock. Maki lightly hit him in response and told him to "shut his mouth".

I took this time to speak up and formally tell them that we unfortunately aren't dating, but before I could Saihara spoke up. "You figured it out, we're dating." HUH? We're dating?! I don't remember that happening, but okayyyy. I smiled back at them and nodded along with Shuichi. In unison, they both said congrats and offered to go on a double date this weekend. We agreed for the plan to be on Saturday and they then went there separate way seeing that we arrived at my dorm. I carefully unlocked the door and we both walked and locked the door behind us. "Shuichi, what the fuck was that? Look I know I've had a crush on you for the longest, but you didn't even ask me out and suddenly we're dating?!" I blurted out in shear confusion and frustration.

         "Look, I know it looks bad and I shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't help it. I don't know what's going on with me, but you're just  all I think about.......Wait, you have a crush on me?" He responded back.

     Shit way to just out yourself Ouma, as if kissing him wasn't a far enough push out of the closet. Well, now that he knows, he might as well know it all.
         "Shuichi, why do you think I was so sad when you and Kaede went out? It's because I was in love with you. I've always been, you've just never seen it. The only reason I didn't tell you how I felt first was because I was scared. I'm scared because I'm gay and I wasn't accepted; my family didn't like that I was gay, so I hid it from everyone. I thought you would hate me like they did, so I did the Ouma thing to do and lied to you. I'm sorry and I get if you don't wanna deal with me anymore, I don't want to either." I said as tears streamed down my face. When those words left my mouth, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders; there were no more lies between me and Saihara anymore. But he seemed distressed. He was taken aback by my words, and made his way to the table nearby to have a seat. There he sat and something inside him clicked, then it begun. He put his hands to his face and started sobbing profusely. I walked up behind him and rubbed his shoulders gently and carefully kissed the top of his head. He turned around to face me and I leaned to wipe his tears dry. He carefully pushed my hand away from going towards his cheek and cleared his throat to speak up.
          "Ouma, I'm so sorry that I didn't see it sooner. I've just been so confused about my feelings in life and sexuality wise, but when I'm with you, I feel like everything is crystal clear. Now I finally know what I want, no confusion about it........Ouma I want you. So to put it simply Kokichi, do you want to make this official and be my boyfriend?" Shuichi said in the most compassionate voice I've ever heard. Once he said it, I hugged him immediately and held him closer than ever.

"Oh my Saihara-Chan, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's always been a dream to call you my boyfriend."

I need you (Saioma) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now