-Chapter Five-

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            Today was Saturday the 16th. After one of my best nights ever, I woke up in my bed with Saihara by my side. To my surprise, he was awake, and he was crying? I quickly rushed to his side once I looked over confirming my previous question. I held him close and let him cry into my shoulders as he had done for me before. Once I had noticed that his breathing had steadied and he was stable, I propped him up to speak. "My dear Shu, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked him slowly.

"Unless you consider my life a nightmare Koko, I'd say no. I'm just feeling like shit over the way that I ended things with Kaede yesterday. I was an absolute ass to her. Sure I did wanna break up, but not that way." He blankly said. I wasn't shocked by his words, I expected him to feel bad. I mean he's a really sweet guy and what he did yesterday was kinda mean and kinda terrifying. I patted him on the shoulder and chuckled; "Shu, of course you feel bad. And we can go to apologize today. However, before you do, I have some business with her." My last sentence was greeting with confusion. But it was true, I didn't have something to bring up to Kaede. Something I wouldn't dare tell Shuichi, the real reason for my sadness. "Whatever you say Ouma. It's already 9:30, so we should eat breakfast and get our day started so we can meet up with Kaede before it's too late" He finally responded. I complied and we both sprung out of bed to get dressed. Today's outfit for me was a purple shirt, black overalls, and only the best checkered scarf ever. As for Shuichi, he didn't have clothes here with him, so I was to dress him too. So I selected a black turtle neck and a pair of light blue jeans. He seemed a bit hesitant before putting them on considering majority of his wardrobe is black and grey, but he still complied. Once I saw him in that outfit, My heart just about exploded. Like the words "i love you" almost slipped out by accident. Still, I kept myself under control, and continued to make us some breakfast.

After about an hour of effort from both me and Shuichi, we had some stacks that resembled pancakes in a way. I'm not saying our pancakes were bad exactly, they just weren't like pancakes. They were more like cookies. I mean we both are pretty okay at cooking, we just made these a little too sweet. Once we finished eating, Shuichi decided to shower and quickly grabbed a pair of my boxers. While he was doing that, I took some time to write up a note of everything I wanted to say to Kaede. When he finally got out, I was just about finished my notes on what to say. I quickly closed out of my notes and threw my phone to the side before Shuichi got too curious on what I was doing. Before we finally started to leave for Kaede's dorm, we sat and enjoyed each other's company. At this point, it was 11:30, and Shuichi was getting anxious about heading out. But at that point if we didn't leave, we probably wouldn't at all. So, I stood up and grabbed Shu's arm and dragged him outside, locking the door behind us. I had to follow the lead of Shuichi once we got outside considering I didn't take the time to learn where Kaede's dorm was.

Shuichi's POV

We had just got outside went I was pushed in front of Kokichi to lead the way. He kept grabbing at my shoulders trying to get me to give him a piggyback ride. As much I love him, I wasn't giving in. Until we were three dorms down and I caved. I stopped walked and allowed him to hop on my back and he was beaming with excitement. I didn't mind carrying him, after all, Ouma is a very small boy. And the biggest perk of them all, he was happy, it's hard to see Ouma genuinely happy sometimes. But, when he is happy, he could light up the whole world with that smile. In what seemed like no time, there we were, right outside of Kaede's dorm. Kokichi hopped off my back and went to knock on the door. Before he did, he announced; " I wanna talk to her first. I'll go in and talk alone with her then come get you when I'm done. I'll try and finish up my business quickly". Then he opened the now unlocked dorm and stepped in shutting the door behind him. I was really confused as to why he wasn't telling me what was going on, but I decided not to pester him yet. Now all I had left to do is wait. And wait. And wait. After about 30 minutes of this waiting, Kokichi appeared at the door. He had tears in his eyes too, but he still wore a smile. Now I was definitely concerned as to what went down in there, but again it wasn't the time. "Come on in Shu Shu. Let's get this apologize over with, I want some coffee." He said as he motioned for me to step in. I did as he asked and was greeted with a dark dorm and a sad looking Kaede. Here goes nothing.

Kokichi's POV

With Shuichi in the room, the tension was higher than before. Things played out smoothly with me talking to Kaede, and she actually took it all well. It went a lot better than expected and she doesn't hate me, so win win. But, now it's Shuichi's turn to apologize. I watched him slowly approach me and Kaede at her kitchen table and sit with us. I was still upset from my emotional outpouring to her, but she seemed to be doing better. And before I knew it, Saihara started his apology. "Hey Kaede, look I just wanna say; I'm really sorry for how I was yesterday, I was just upset and stressed. I really did like you too, it's just that you deserve better than what I am. We're two different people and you need someone who can be that happy with you. I'm really sorry to put you through all that. You mean a lot to me still and I'd love to keep you as a friend/sister to me if you'd allow that." He spoken calmly. A few stray tears rolled down Kaede cheek as she got ready to respond.

"That works for me Shuichi. You mean a lot to me too and it'll be hard to move on, but I'll be okay. We do both deserve other people and that's okay. I'm sorry for all I caused yesterday too. And you'll always have a place in my heart as a friend." She smiled back towards him. They both stood up and gave each other a mutual friend hug and stayed standing by their seats. I got up too, and spoke up "Yay! All is right with the world. Now I can go home!". They both laughed at my response and Kaede walked us to the door. At this point, it was only 12:15, but Kaede explained she was seeing some family and had to get ready to leave. So with that me and Shuichi headed back towards my dorm. On our way there, Saihara stopped us at his dorm and ask if we could go in. I agreed and we walked in to his very dark dorm. I watched as he picked up a checkered bag, the checkered bag I gave him for his birthday back on September 7th. With the bag in hand, he headed for his bedroom and filled the bag with clothes. Once he finished filling it with clothes, he care back to his living area and tossed in his journal and a few boxes of snacks. He zipped up the bag, grabbed a blanket and a pillow, then went to leave again. He led me with him out of the door too. "Shu-Shu, why did you pack a bag and leave your dorm?" I asked as he closed the door behind us.

"Oh, I thought I told you, I'm staying with you till Tuesday. I don't wanna be alone and sulking in sadness, I wanna have fun with my best friend." Saihara said as he started towards my dorm. I just nodded my head and caught up. Once we arrived at my house, I grabbed my money, dropped off Shu's bag and we went out for lunch and coffee. Once we got back, we binged our favorite show, Danganronpa, and played video games till 9:00. At that point, we both ordered a pizza, ate, and stayed up all night just talking and laughing till we eventually passed out. My heart was so content with joy and happiness, that I could've died a happy man that night.

This is gonna be the best 4 days ever.

I need you (Saioma) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now