-Chapter Six-

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                    ~Flashback Chapter~

Kokichi's POV

It was my first day of being a student of Hope's Peak Academy for Gifted Juveniles and I was terrified. I mean like I already had no family and was bullied everyday through middle school, so this would be an upgrade. Getting scouted as the ultimate Supreme leader was probably the best thing to happen to me. I was set free from myself and from those jerks back in school. All I needed was me and DICE and suddenly, I had a place where I wasn't alone. Once I shook off all my nerves, I decided to leave my car and head towards campus.

I stood outside of Hope's Peak, looking up at all the cherry blossom trees that led into the campus. It almost gave me a sense of Euphoria. I grabbed both of my purple suitcases and walked towards the huge school building that would soon be the gateway to my future. Other new students also walked in the entry too, except they had family with them. Of course; I was the odd one out, because I had No One. Everyone from DICE was too busy to accompany me, they had school of their own. But, I would be okay, and hopefully I'd make a friend of my own. Not too long later, all the newcomers were gathered towards a staff member that would drop all of us off to our dorms. I went over and joined them as we began to walk towards the side of campus. As we walked I looked around at my peers I would be with till graduation, and needless to say, I didn't fit in at all. Everyone else was surrounded by big families and looked like they meant business, but I was all alone. Looking
around at them more, I saw two people; one completely alone, and one that had one older man with them. The girl that was completely alone wore long dark ponytails, red scrunches, a red shirt, and black overalls. She looks absolutely terrifying, yet I approached her. "Hello." I lightly said in her direction.

"Hi. Are you alone too?" She asked back towards me. I slightly nodded my head and she looked down. "That's okay, we can keep each other company. I'll look out for you too kid." She smiled back towards me. I smiled back towards the seemingly nice girl and continued to talk. Her name was Maki, and she was the ultimate assassin. She told me that she was an orphan and was put into being an assassin, and had no real family, so she was completely alone. It was then I explained my story to her. I told her that both parents had died, and that they didn't accept me when they were alive either. I told her that none of my extended family wanted me so I formed my "large association of 10,000 people" to keep me company. She was completely shocked and patted my shoulder. I began to speak up once more, but was interrupted by the yelling of my name. "Kokichi Ouma, your dorm is right here. Get settled immediately, and meet your fellow classmates in the lobby of the school building." The director yelled. I silently waved bye to Maki and walked to my new dorm. Before entering, I watched the group continue to walk and distribute towards their own dorms. Maki gave me one last wave and I decided to walk into my new home for the next 4 years. Before I could walk in, I heard my name get called once more, "Kokichi?" The unknown voiced asked.

I turned around to see, the boy from before, the one with the older man. The boy seemed to be towering over me, probably around 5'7. He had the prettiest grey eyes that barely showed from under his black hat. His blueish-green hair showed from the sides of his hat, and his body was covered in black jeans and a black sweater. He stood right in front of me and held out his hand. Quietly he spoke up to me; "hello, I'm Shuichi Saihara. I'm the ultimate dectective. I saw that you were alone and I couldn't help, but stop to say hi."

"hey. Well, since you already know my name, I'm the ultimate supreme leader. I really appreciate you stopping by. I could always use a friend." I smiled back. On the outside, I was calm, but on the inside, I couldn't contain myself. I didn't know what was happening. My heart was racing, my hands were shaking, and my stomach was full of butterflies. I've never felt this way before in my life. "Anytime, you can count on me whenever. Do you need help moving in? Because I'm already done. Well, actually, my uncle is doing it and he said to mingle." He politely asked, breaking me out of my trance. I gladly took his offer and opened the door with the key I was given. I couldn't help, but be overwhelmed with emotions, not only was he good looking, but he was also considerate. However, we both walked in and admired the surprisingly large place. Luckily, my dorm already had furniture, so all I really had was clothes to unpack. I led Shuichi to the bedroom towards the back of the dorm and dragged my suitcases along with us. I parked us in front of some drawers and began to open my suitcases. Soon me and Shuichi began to discuss the placement of clothes and our own personal stories. After what seemed like no time, all my clothes were put away and I knew all about Shuichi. I learned that he's parents died like mine, that he lives with his uncle, but they aren't too close, became a detective by accident, and wasn't the coolest kid in school either. We chatted and chatted and for the first time in forever, I had a genuine smile on my face.

Amidst all the talking, the thought of meeting up with our classmates suddenly came to mind. We both absolutely ran there, laughing our heads off, and just trying to make it there at a reasonable time. Once we got there we met up with Maki, who was talking to some other guy named Kaito and we all just talked and relaxed. Eventually, they let explore the campus and the four of us set foot towards the cafeteria. After getting lost a thousand times, we reached the cafe and rushed to get some kind of food. Naturally I got chicken nuggets and tater tots, to be on the safe side, and sat at a table waiting for the others to join. Shortly after I sat down, they all joined me and we traded stories once more while enjoying our delicious food. Once we had all finished, I had learned all about Kaito too. He is the ultimate astronaut, came here with his grandparents, who practically raised him, and he lived a basic life as middle school jock. Although he was a jock, he was smart and willing to be an astronaut and seemed to be pretty kind and humble. After talking some more about our favorite things and all of our futures, we left to get some sleep seeing as it were getting late already. We both went our separate path, Kaito walking Maki to her dorm and Shuichi walking me to my dorm. The whole time we talked and enjoyed each other's conversations. Once we reached my dorm Shuichi took off his hat and looked me in the eyes. "Thank you for today Kokichi. I really needed a day like this, and I hope we become good friends. Have a good night Ouma." He smiled back. Before he left he leaned in for a hug, to which I returned. Once I was in his arms, I felt safe. After releasing me, he put his hat back on and walked into the night towards his dorm. Once he was out of site, I turned and opened my door.

Once I stepped foot in my dorm, I was giddy with joy. My heart was thumping outside of my chest. My stomach was fluttering with swarms of butterflies. The feeling that I felt back in the hug, I've never felt that at ease before. I made my bed, and threw myself in it. Whenever I closed my eyes, all I could see was Saihara. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Oh no, I think this is what a crush feeling like. I think I've fallen for a boy. I think I'm gay. I'm gay and I've fallen for a boy. All I could think about was how disappointed everyone would be in me and that Shuichi would hate me if he ever found out. I cried my eyes out till I eventually went to sleep.

*Flashback Over*



Wake uppp"

That was the voice that set me free; free from even the nicest of dreams.

I need you (Saioma) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now