-Chapter one-

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—Kokichi's POV—

Hurt. That's what I was, I was hurt. My best friend and crush Shuichi Saihara has broken the worse news he could've ever said to me.

"Hey Ko, guess what?" He started saying excitedly when he approached me in the halls. I thought on it before simply feeding into his request of saying what. "Kaede confessed to me earlier during our study hall. We're dating nowwww!" He cheerfully sang. I put on a brave smile even though my heart got trampled and gave him a bright thumbs up and congrats. I've never seen him so happy before; but all i could feel was pain. He talked on and on about his day to me as we headed towards our dormitories. This was the end of the school day after all. I played along as if this was okay for me, but deep down I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I loved these walks with Shuichi don't get me wrong, however I couldn't bear looking at him. "Alright Shu, I must be on my way, these papers won't study themselves. I'll see you tomorrow. Hehehehe" I said happily as I ran off.
      "Bye Kokichi, see you tomorrow buddy." He yelled back. Once I found myself at my dorm I shut myself in and let the tears pour. I was absolutely heartbroken and he had no clue. She told her feelings first and she won his heart. No one knew my pain. I stayed on my floor and bawled my eyes out till I eventually passed out there.

I woke up some time later. The clock read 9:44 p.m; it wasn't that late after all. My heart still ached, but I was getting hungry. I had no food in my dorm, considering I hadn't food shopped yet and I had no family to go to for dinner, so I went to our cafeteria. Other Hope's Peak students rarely went for dinner at the cafe every though they served perfectly good food. Because students rarely went and the time was late, I simply slipped on a hoodie and continued crying while I embarked on the journey for food. It was a peaceful walk for it being at late night, however being alone sucked. I didn't let being alone phase me too much though, I mean I was always alone if I wasn't with Shuichi. But, I did what I always did when he was gone; put in headphones with music to fill the void. I finished my walk in the cool September air with music in my ear to be greeted by the warm air of the cafe. No one was to be seen in there besides the lovely workers who were used to my late arrivals. "Ahhhhh our sweet Koko!" They'd always say when I walked in at my usual 9-10 o'clock visits. I slowly approached them with my gloom of today's events and they still greeted me with smiles as they hand me my usually plate of tater tots and popcorn chicken. The koko special they called it. I silently thanked them and practically ran back to my room.

Once I returned, all I could think about was Shuichi. How I wanted to be the one in his arms, how I wanted to be the one who confessed and how I wanted him to love me. The tears flowed more as I ate at my desk alone. This pain was torture, and i couldn't bare it. Once I finished eating, I decided to skip my homework and I cried myself to sleep again. I woke up a miserable mess. My head pounded, my heart ached and my throat burned. I couldn't bring myself to cry anymore after last night, but that's all I wanted to do. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, but I couldn't risk missing class again. I sat up and pushed myself out of bed. After taking off last night's clothes, I put on a pair of fresh jeans, a white t-shirt, a black hoodie, and my checkered scarf. I didn't bother brushing through my hair or even eating breakfast, I just grabbed my book bag and keys and left the gloom of my dorm.

At this point, it was 6:58 a.m and class started at 7:32. It was rare how early I left, considering I always came to school late because I always went to bed late. But with all of last night bumming me out, I went to bed at 10:30. I used all this morning spare time to grab a coffee from a local cafe. It laid right outside of campus and surprisingly I never tried it. I mean, I've always wanted to, but with Shuichi and on a date, so there's a first for everything. I saw a few classmates and upperclassmen giving me strange looks as I passed by them. I couldn't blame them though, not only was it early, but no Shuichi was at my side. I decided to try my hardest to stay solo today in hopes of remaining happier, but seeing them was inevitable. This was considering the fact that we had all of our classes together too. Suddenly after all this thinking and walking, I was now straight outside of the cafe.

I immediately entered the small building and approached the counter. I wasn't too fond of ordering for myself, but I threw on my school persona and played along. "I'll take one medium Matcha iced latte please" I told the worker as I handed her a $10 dollar bill. She simply handed back my 7 dollars of change and told me to wait a moment for the drink. I took this as a chance to listen to music, so I popped in my headphones and stood around. Within 4 minutes, my drink was finished and they called for me to get it. I shuffled up to the counter, grabbed my drink, and made a dash for class.
On my dash, I suddenly saw them, my Shu and Kaede holding hands and walking together. This made my heart tremble, so I turned my dash to a sprint. Shuichi caught a glimpse at me and called for me, but I kept running. Within 3 minutes I was in the classroom, and at my desk crying.

I should've just stayed home.

I need you (Saioma) *Finished*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt