Chapter Fourteen: The conclusion

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Kokichi's POV


           I walked through my dorm like I once did in the past, except this time it remained empty, Moving day; I graduated from Hope's Peak and was onto better things. It's crazy how once you get what you've desired, life flies by. I carefully examined my drawers making sure I didn't leave anything behind for the next in line to live to find. It was at the very bottom that I found this; the diary I kept from years before.

This diary.

The diary I wrote about my crush on Saihara in. The diary that held everything about the time before I went out with him. The diary that kept me sane.

      I felt a rush a nostalgia and sadness fill my body. The diary was everything to me at one point in time, the only place I could turn to when I longed for the love I have now. Not only that, but it was just sitting there, forgotten in the bottom of that poor bedside drawer. I carefully picked it up and looked at the slightly blood stained cover and winced. "Ah yes, back when we were angst and then immediately wrote in our diary,,,,,,typical Ouma." I said out loud to myself. I was nervous looking down at the book that laid in my hands below. I sat down on what was once my bed, and braced myself for what I would read.

     One by one I flipped through the pages of my past and smiled. I smiled, but I also cried. These weren't my typical tears, these were tears of joy, tears of remembering. I cried about what once was, and how much I've grown since then. I've fully embraced my sexuality since then and came out to everyone I still had left. I got myself a therapist and trusted someone that wasn't Saihara with my thoughts, and more importantly, I put that immature personality behind and embraced both sides of me in one. I continued reading more and more until I noticed something.

    I reached the last page, I only had one page left in the whole book and it was blank. I stopped writing in this once me and Shuichi started dating. "Shit" I thought to myself, I'm kinda bummed I didn't really give that diary an "ending". Although it was merely just a diary, and it didn't need an ending seeing as it wasn't a book, I just felt like it deserved one, or rather a proper one. I went back in the drawer with hope in my eyes, and luckily, I found a pen. It was no pencil, but that simply meant I just couldn't fuck this up. I took another deep breath and began to write my farewell to this diary once and for all.

     "Dear past/future Kokichi or anyone that happens to read this diary,

    You'd be proud of us now. Back then you may have thought we wouldn't even live to this point in time, but we made it baby. This school is ours! We graduated and we did it alongside the best person we could've done it with. Our beloved Saihara-Chan, our little Shumai. And if you're so curious, yes, we're still dating him. And he's still a fantastic guy, and an even better detective. Also Kaede did end up with Rantaro after all, so she got her happy ending, and Maki and Kaito are still kicking it as well, hell they even got engaged at graduation. Sure she did beat him up for doing it then, but she still said yes. We're doing good, we all are. I plan to get out of here and do good things with DICE, we're even recruiting new members as well. Saihara is also going to start up his own detective service right in the DICE building as well. Our love story is everything we could've ever dreamed of; we got the promise rings we always wanted, we're moving into an apartment together and getting our own cat, we still go to Dave and busters on date night, and we still listen to the same Hatsune Miku songs as well as watching danganronpa reruns. We're as gay and happy as can be!

  Everything's okay now Ouma, we can rest easy knowing that now we have life in control, you'd also be happy to know that we're over a year clean and haven't cut ourself since that one Halloween. Everything actually worked out for once, and you got the happy ending you deserved, there's no need for this diary anymore, or any diary for that matter. So thank you for everything you've done for me diary, I'll never forget the time I spent with you."

-Kokichi Ouma
  "Ultimate supreme leader (of deez nuts)"

   I dropped the pen and looked down at the now full diary and cried again. It was stupid, but it was just some proud of myself and overwhelmed that I couldn't help but cry. I guess I was in my old room a little to long because my beloved waltzed in to check up on me.

"Hey Ko-babe, you ready to- wait what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Saihara said as walked up and hugged my head to his waist. I motioned to the diary and he nodded back. He joined me on the bed as we joked and laughed about everything written in the stupid thing, and I let him read the last pages I left.

  He kissed me on the head "What a beautifully written ending, from such an illiterate little gremlin" he joked. I playfully punched him as I kissed him back. Once that was done, we stood up, did one more quick sweep and headed out with boxes and the diary in hand. We loaded everything into my the DICE minivan and looked at my old dorm one last time with the diary in hand.

    "Thank you for everything Hope's Peak! Till we meet again"

Love, Kokichi Ouma
and Shuichi Saihara. <3

The End.


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