Ch 59 : life is beautiful

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Zain's POV

She hugged me. I felt out of the world. How much I missed her warmth. I felt more alive then I had in years. The sense of relief I felt was overwhelming.

"We shall go home, shan't we?" I asked.

But something felt wrong. She wasn't moving, neither did she say anything.

"Maria?" I called her name.

She didn't respond.


She didn't react.

I pulled her head backward and her eyes were closed.

"Are you okay?"

I picked her up, bridal style, and headed to the car, placed her carefully, and drove to the hospital.

My hands were turning cold and I was feeling giddy.

I couldn't lose her. I couldn't bear it.

"Mr. Quereshi?" The Doctor called my name.

"How is she?" I inquired.

"She is fine, she became unconscious because of weakness, here are some medicines you have to give her " the doctor handed me the prescription.

" When is she going to become conscious?" I asked.

"Uhh..... In 2-3 hours " the doctor said. "She'll be fine" the doctor patted my back.

"Thank you so much doctor " we shook hands.

"First child?" He questioned.

"Yeah " I smiled peeping through the glass.

"Congratulations" he gleamed.

I went to the room and sat next to her bed. I caressed her hair, and she smiled.

She always smiled at my touch, could she feel it? Could she feel me?

I have often fantasized about how to tell her 'I love you' for the first time. I thought for a while, now I've wanted the perfect phrase or the ambiance or god knows what to make what I want to say perfect, but life isn't like that. I have looked for every word in the English language to string together to tell her how I feel. I have realized now there isn't a perfect way to say this, however, it doesn't mean I shouldn't. I love her.

I am fascinated with her being. Her brain, her soul, her eyes, and her smile. Her presence makes me intoxicated and overwhelmed. Not nervous, but overwhelmed with all of this love oozing out of my pores. I feel so grateful for her, and I love every minute we spend together.

I don't really know when it happened when I started loving her this way.

It was just moments that really shook me and made me realize how important she is.

She is the first person I call, the first person I think of when I wake up when I'm going to sleep. At 2 p.m., when I am busy as can be, I still miss her and long for her. At 2 a.m., when the world is asleep, I am up counting down the minutes until I hear her infectious laugh again.

I need her to know she is loved. Every day, even when we talk about the most mundane things like needing to pump gas, I think, "Wow, how lucky am I?" I have learned that love is not about words but rather the actions that come along with them. Its taking care of each other when we are sick, surprising each other, sending each other memes and funny pictures. We are loved every day.

I wish I could tell her though. I wish I could scream how much I love her from the rooftops. I love being there for her. I love making her laugh. I love having her to be a wonderful friend, a wonderful partner, and a wonderful wife. Loving her is so awesome. And I wish there was a word that's less lame than that, but I can't think of any. It's awesome. It's a finding star in my pocket, being able to sleep in, having my favorite meal, winning the lotto kind of awesome. Loving her has been an incredible, life-changing journey.

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