Ch23 : Are They Same?

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Zain's POV

Tuesday 1:30 pm

It's been three days since I last saw her. Whatever I do, I just cannot get her out of my head.

" Sir?" an employee of mine said.


"Your sign is needed here, here and here" he showed me the papers and signed on them.

I Called baba and discussed our new project of building a school for the orphans. And he was really pleased with my decision.

" so, when are you coming back?"

"baba, Saturday"

" oh okay, you should have taken Maria with you, you guys are just married. If you know what I mean?"

" baba I'm busy, I'll talk to you later"

I Called doctor fatura and she told me that Zoya is fine now.

My phone rang and I checked the caller ID. It was Alisha.

" what's up, bro?" she said enthusiastically.

"what is it, Alisha?" I sounded irritated.

"Why are you so rude all the time. Anyways I just called you to tell you that you have to bring gifts for me. Okay?"

" what?!"

"what what? You have to bring it and it's final. Plz Zain"

"fine anything else?"

" uh bring something for Maria too."

" OK bye."

"wait. Mama wants to talk to you?"

"put her on the line."

" Habibi!"

" yes, mama?"

" How are you?"

" I'm fine"

"uh - Habibi? Did something happen between you and Maria?"

"Why? Did she say something?"

"that's the problem, she doesn't talk, neither she smiles, something seems off"

"uh- mama I'll call her. Don't worry"

" Please come home soon. Everyone misses you"

" yes, yes mama. Don't worry. I'll be there by Saturday."

"oh okay Habibi take care. Allah hafiz"

" Allah hafiz." we both hang up.

I Called my secretary kinza to come to my room.

" How may I help you, sir?"

" here, take my credit card, and go shopping. Buy some stuff which girls like the most, like makeup dresses and shoes"

" Sir, makeup is fine. But sir the dresses? For who?"

" uh - my sister and my wife"

" sir, what about the size?"

I didn't know their sizes. I was scratching my temple.

" I don't know."

" it's OK sir I'll manage"

She left and it was time for my next meeting.

Maria's POV

Wednesday 7.30 pm

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