Some more R&R

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When the morning came it was Merith and Akeno who had woken up first, how Akeno got here in the first place no one knew, but I guess that didn't matter too much.

"Hiro..?" Merith was confused and still in a tizzy from the chaos that was last night.

"I think I saw Hiro get carried off by Anne last night... Maybe he's in her room?" Akeno suggested, Merith was still confused but it was still a lead so the two of them decided to follow said lead, walking downstairs to Anne's room.

What the two of them saw when they opened that door was.. Chaotic to say the least, there was a hole in the wall, the sheets were all messed up and just about everything was knocked over.

"My, my.. The two of them certainly had their fun.. And look at the two of them..~" Akeno teased, their eyes focusing on the floor, and seeing Anne and I, naked and huddled up together.

"He looks... Happy." Merith placed her hand on her cheek, like she was upset for a moment. After all.. Someone other than her had managed to make me feel amazing.

"Let's not wake them.. Give them a few more hours." Akeno spoked as she ushered Merith out the door and closed it, leaving us be.

'Yo, kid.' Ryuuk's voice ran through my mind as he started to cackle, 'you had one hell of a night, fucking both of them!' He teased slightly, 'but that's not important now, now we can reflect on your growth these past few days.' Ryuuk looked to the side, his dragon form was coming back to him, at least in my mind. 'In these few days, you have become more dragon then devil. Your eyes, even your wings are no longer that of a devil's. Especially with your Gear moving up a stage, which means that the next step for you.. Is to achieve a true Balance Breaker.'

I was confused, "but didn't I already reach it? When I moved up a stage?' I asked, my mind trying to wrap itself around this.

'Not quite, you see.. That wasn't a Balance Breaker, even if the conditions were met, you lacked the emotional resolve and anger to unlock MY Balance Breaker, if I was anything like Issei and that hardass Ddraig, you woulda reached Balance Breaker when you fought Shinji, yet you didn't... It must have something to do with my lack of memory.' Ryuuk trailed on as I stared at him. 'But you're getting close, you just need a push in the right direction, and for my memories to come back completely.'

"Well that's.. Comforting, sorta." I spoke as I looked down at my hands, I needed to restore Ryuuk's memories, that was the key to reaching the next step. "Then let's look for them, together."

Ryuuk was taken aback by this, sure I had some manner of compassion towards my friends but this was about something more.. Something I craved.. Power.

'Heh.. Thanks kid.' Ryuuk felt flustered slightly. 'Seems like she's waking up, so I'll let you two talk.' Ryuuk then vanished and the empty void went dark.

I slowly opened my eyes to stare at the ceiling, my whole body hurt all over.. Probably from yesterday.

"Mmh..." Anne moaned slightly has she opened her eyes, her grip no longer tight, but firm, before she let go. "Morning.." Anne had this grin on her face as she stared at me, my head slowly turning to face her.

"Morning.. Yesterday was pretty rough eh?" I lightly teased her, nudging her shoulders.

"Oh, you wanna go again? I'll knock that smirk off your face." Anne's grin grew as she climbed on top of me, then leaned forward, pretty much laying on me. "But that was fun no? Man I just wanna go again and again, just the power struggle... I think I'm hooked on you, then again.." Anne placed one hand on my cheek and leaned into me, "I've always had a thing for you... You remember now right? When we met a few weeks ago.. You instantly remembered my name, so by now you must remember no?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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