A lewd night

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When we had arrived at the mansion everyone was shocked, it looked amazing honestly... It was exactly like Merith had wanted it, a Victoria style mansion, rooms for everyone, but I had a feeling my room would be the most used.

"Damn.. This place is kickass!" Anne shouted, a wide grin on her face, it seemed that she was back to normal, or was what she showed me yesterday her truest self? Maybe her tough and cocky nature was all a facade.

"This place.. It looks like something a king would own." Xenovia spoke, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Does it have a torture chamber!? I've always wanted to be strapped to a table and streeettttcccchhhhed out!" Leon shouted excitedly, he really had his priorities straight.

Blake had inched herself closer to me, opening her mouth for a moment. "P.. Pretty..." She murmured.

'It does look rather elegant.' Celeste spoke, followed by..

'This shit is wicked! We've got our own mansion!' Luun chiming in.

"I can't believe we had to struggle through all of that just to get here." Akira was reflecting on the matches, they just didn't sit well with him.. After all he saw me nearly die and all.

"This place, it's befitting for master.." Mitsumi spoke in a rather cold voice.

"We did it Merith.. We finally made it to where we should be, among the elite right?" Kanna was looking at Merith, a smile on her face.

"Well mah boi... We did this, together.. Along with everyone, so I think we deserve some r&r no?" Merith said, a soft smile on her face.

I looked forward, and then turned to face the group and nodded. "Yeah.. Let's rest up."

And with that the group charged forward and into the mansion, running to their various rooms, which had specific things that they loved in them.

For Anne there was a massive tower that she could climb and scratch, appealing more to her cat like instincts.

Leon there was a torture chamber for him, which meant he could really go to town on himself, his screams of pleasure audible to everyone.

Mitsumi had a room full of pictures of me, even a pillow with me on it, which she held close to her at all times.

Xenovia's room had a wide area by the bed, a place where she could train her swordsmanship.

Akira had a small, quiet room with a bed and a desk, he must've really liked being alone and reading.

Blake's room was filled with videogames and manga, which confused her, did she really like this stuff? When her memory was lost?

Kanna's room was filled with pictures of Merith, similar to Mitsumi's room, pillow and all.

Merith's room was relatively basic, bed, desk, dresser, but her room was filled with magic books and potions and other magic stuff.

And my room.. It was full of training equipment and a straight up massive bed, enough to fit the whole household on, but there was extra care taken in my room.. The scent was amazing, everything was so neat, no doubt Rias had a hand in making my room.

"You know mah boi.. This place is amazing..." Merith sighed out with a smile on her face, she must've been tired.

"You should sleep, I've got some things to do." I began to step forward when I felt Merith's hand tug on mine.

"Ah, ah ah...~ you promised me fun, and I'm taking it now, let's see if these walls are soundproof mah boi.." Merith then pretty much dragged me up the stairs and into my room, locking the door behind us.

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